Question on leveling by newbie - ID: 1346

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Nictor on 12/02/2015, 22:38:17

Hi, new player here.

Have a question on leveling. Just got party to level 13. There seems to be now a hell of a jump to the next level. Previously my characters seemed to gain a new level every 25-40000 pts. Now I see it set at 200,0000. That seems to be a hell or a jump?
Is that normal.

Hi Nictor,

yes this is normal, XP Gap between lvl 13 and lvl 14 is a special Silversword thing  ;)

After lvl 14 progress is more smooth.

<ATTACHMENT filename="xp_level.gif" index="0">[attachment=0]xp_level.gif[/attachment]</ATTACHMENT>

for the archmage there is a really huge gap. :o


Thanks. However, I just hit level 14 with my mele classes and I see they need 193,000 to next level so there seems no real difference between 13 and 14. I can't say I'll carry on playing with this sort of a grind!

Read the forum, there are many ways to level up ... Just spend a day at the bonehouse grinding.

Isn't level 14 early for the bone-house? Also that's an expansion level, not everyone exploring the game for the first time is going to/has bought that...

If you can make it thru the grave-mound easily then try bandit's cave, if further along dedranat caves on paradosa, if not so far along try the two groups of five grove guardians east of the first castle/forest area because they are restarted easily by going back and forth. If better items are needed- the grove guardians don't drop much or at all- and can't get past harder areas then bandits and murderers etc in savage crossing. In the base game, ridge fault and inferno are the best drops in my experience at/near the end.

As a general rule if you go thru each area two-3 full times without needing to flee before the next area to make sure nothing is missed, gain items, level up and generally be better prepared for the next area, then you'll probably have a better map sense, and more prepared characters without too much monotonous grinding. The grinding you need will vary according to how optomised your group is for the area plus the luck of level rolls, item drops and combat rolls plus your tactics.