Mixture of questions and suggestions - ID: 1339

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by carpii on 18/01/2015, 01:48:46


As I play the game and read the walkthrough posts, I'm starting to wonder if there are any events or known issues in the game I should avoid, which could render my savegames incompletable?

1) I notice the game *seems* to allow you to drop quest items, or maybe it just gives that impression then prevents it. I haven't yet dared try

2) The walkthrough also talks about how important it is to level up your spellcasters then convert them as soon as possible to other classes, and finally to sorcerer, otherwise it takes 2M more experience to get them to the required level for final battle.
I think I took the default party, so have a magician and a conjurer. Am I going to find it difficult to progress If I don't pay attention to the walkthrough, or is it just explaining the optimal way to level up?

3) Im not sure I like the monk in my party much, and the rogue has his uses but isn't great at combat. Maybe I should drop them before its too late, they are level 12 at the moment.
If I complete the game but then buy the expansion, do I keep the same party (in which case I might be better rerolling my party now before I progress too much further)?

4) I think there is a bard song which isn't documented either in the manual or the compendium. Its the one you learn by sitting at the first tavern you encounter. The game explains what it does, so its not really a problem, but thought the author might like to know.

5) Finally, I read on a forum post from 2013 that the author is not focusing on the iOS game anymore, and is working on a ground-up rewrite using Unity. Just wondered if this is still something that is progressing, or whether its been abandoned?

Im really starting to enjoy this game, the author has clearly put a lot of work into it.


Hello :-)

Quote from Author: carpii

4) I think there is a bard song which isn't documented either in the manual or the compendium. Its the one you learn by sitting at the first tavern you encounter. The game explains what it does, so its not really a problem, but thought the author might like to know.

5) Finally, I read on a forum post from 2013 that the author is not focusing on the iOS game anymore, and is working on a ground-up rewrite using Unity. Just wondered if this is still something that is progressing, or whether its been abandoned?

Im really starting to enjoy this game, the author has clearly put a lot of work into it.


4. Sorry, yes, I have to add it yet.

5. I am still focused ;-) Due to lack of time and motivation, I'll stick with extending the iOS game for now.

Thank you for playing the game! :D

kind regards

just a thought about dropping characters you are not enjoying: just leave them in the inn. You may want to revisit them as party members later. Once a thief gets to the master thief level he/she starts battles hidden and can do damage with short range weapons at any distance. Having more than one on your front lines can be very interesting. If you convert one to a DC that's even more interesting.

My suggestions regarding magic users are just to help you progress to higher levels faster. There is no wrong way to develop an arch Mage, but some take longer than others.

Right now I have 5 DCs, 3 Bards, 2 Arch Mages, 1 Paladin, and a couple of others that I choose my party from depending on what they are doing. Growing a new character is pretty easy when he/she goes grinding with five or six high level companions.

It is my understanding that u can have up to 25 characters, but only 7 in play, swap them out at inns/camps as needed. Monks are great for short range damage dealing, but are no good at anything else most of the game in my experience. Mages and bards (with horns) are great for group attacks. Hunters, rogues, bards and spell casters for range.

If monk had more range, or more hp, or could use their multiple attacks on groups they would work better, Mario said he's working on it. Same weaknesses are tru for warrior, but slightly less so thanks to greater weapon options...

As ive sen so far at least one of each the paladin, bard, mage and rogue become DC (in the expantion) are really required for the best game experience. I tried four monks and three hunters (back row with long bows). But their lack of versatility, goup attacks and the need for a paladin to use the stone sword made it really hard to get anywhere near done, so ive basically started over with a more balanced team after a hiatus... You dont need to start all over like i did tho, just add another or two of each class that works best in the area ur in. Eventually u'll hav everyone u need for each area. A rogue and group attacker are pretty much essential unless u cheat, and maybe even IF you cheat to get thru the game tho so far as i can tell...