Weapons advice needed in expansion - ID: 1185

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Tarjan on 09/06/2013, 17:58:45

Hello! I've just started with the expansion, and have quickly realized the need for runed weapons. The problem is I can't add the silver runes to my current weapons: The silversword, a stoneblade, and a dragonbone bow. My thief is now a dragoncaller, and her weapon could no longer be equipped, so she has a beginner weapon, the rapier (which is useless without critical hit, or when runed). Do you have any advice as to what I should change or look for as an upgrade? Those prowlers are pretty nasty, and I have a feeling it won't be getting easier!

Thanks for your help!

The silver sword already has silver runes to it...if you have clicked the item list from the compendium, you can see which items can and can't be ruined, err, runed. You have two choices: shop regularly at the watertop shop to find a stopgap that can be runed, or plunge into the expansion, and those weapons you will want will come regularly...good luck!

Since you lost your Thief due to conversion to a DC, you're left stuck with just a tank attacking with the Silversword. If you had a thief you could enchanted the Assasine for your thief. My suggestion is to farm Inferno and get some high level swords or weapons of Forgus and enchant those with silver runes.

I think it'll be very tedious to fight Stalkers with just one melee character being able to do any damage. Here's the ones I used: Silversword, Lance or Forgus enchanted with Silver, Singing Sword enchanted with Silver, Assasine enchanted with Silver. Of course you can use higher runes but it gets really expensive.

Are weapons with higher level runes also effective against prowlers and such or does it specifically have to be silver? I have almost finished Silversword and I am just farming a bit before I start the expansion and I have not yet enchanted my weapons. If Mithril is not effective against large amount of the expansion creatures then the best choice for weapons maybe silver? And I’ll save the Mithril for top end armor. Also where do I find the assasine weapon?

Anybody out there?

All those special critters need is a runed weapons, any rune. As for the assasinine weapon, its in a dungeon in the zone next to watertop.

It may be they need runes of silver or better, but I am not positive. But electrum (which you can sometimes buy) and Mithril along with gold will all work. It is still very tough to beat prowlers, though. I have spent over an hour in some prowler battles.