No Mage Party - ID: 981

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by wrathofvi on 13/12/2012, 03:48:00

So after completing this game a couple of time (great game by the way Mario), I wanted to try a non-mage party for the challenge:

Paladin (needed for healing and resurrect within dungeon, would love to go completely non-SP reliant but not this time)
Monk (pack mule)
Bard (healing song plus horns for large monster packs)
Bard (see above)
Rogue (lock picking and hidden criticals)
Hunter (range criticals)
Hunter (range criticals)

This would take a large amount of grinding for experience points early on to make playable....but will run into a problem trying to get the shard of nature as you need to "swim" across a tile of water to enter the dungeon. Yes I could create a mage just to get through this but defeats the purpose.

Couple of questions:
1 - has anyone seen an item that allows for levitation? I remember in Bards Tale (something) you can find magic carpet items that allows for this, but don't remember seeing anything like this in my prior run throughs.
2 - Is this even doable with the large monster packs later in the game? I'm hoping with luck, I can find enough horns to outfit my bards to allow for whittling down packs of monsters and to have my hunters one-hit spell casters along with my hidden rogue.
3 - Does bard songs stack or can you even have two songs going on at the same time?

What does everyone think?

Thanks ahead of time.

Hello wrathofvi,

thanks for this thread!
I am eager awaiting feedback so I can implement some more items that allow finishing the game with a non-mage party.

The magic carpet is already on my ToDo list now :-)

Kind regards

Not a hope in hell :)
Don't see how you could survive Bandits Lair, Burial Mound, etc. even later in the game with crit hits the Mages are useful for pushing back/bringing forward, actions not replaceable by horns. You would also need to stock up on shock bombs to delay your demise. Good luck though!

At some point, Mario has to ask if every imaginable scenario is worth enabling. Why stop at 0 casters? Why not a party of just Warriors or Rogues?

Seems like an interesting challenge. I used to believe you need at least one Arch Mage in your party along with at least one other character of your choosing. If you can get past the water barriers and the monsters that can only be killed by magic it might be doable.

Divine powder is already usable by anyone.

The wider the appeal to differing styles of play, the more interest there will be in the game, which ultimately means the better Mario can make it.

I think I'll play Legend mode before I try the no magic party. I like the magic, so that's what type of play appeals to me. YMMV.