Durk and evening - ID: 939

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by wizardz on 21/11/2012, 09:49:41

You know I love the game. However, the use of evening and dusk are bothersome to me. Dusk is defined as the darker stage of twilight. Evening is defined the time between sunset and night. So dusk and evening overlap, but dusk comes in the earlier part of evening. The game currently has evening before dusk before midnight. Could we consider changing the current order from evening then dusk to twilight then evening?

This is not a game critical suggestion, but for me at least it would make the game time nomenclature more "natural".

Thanks for listening, Mario, and for creating a very enjoyable game.

Hi Craig,

thank you very much for your suggestion.

Now my time zones are as follows:

8 - 12: morning
12: noon
12 - 18: afternoon
18 - 19: twilight
19 - 24: evening
24: midnight
0 - 5: latenight
5 - 8: dawn

If you would like to see any other adjustments, just comment on this one :-)

Kind regards

I like this revised time nomenclature and order.

Thanks, Craig