Can this party do it? - ID: 769

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by thl408 on 06/11/2012, 00:25:41

I'm just starting out and was wondering if this was an adequate party.


My worry is that I don't have enough melee damage output. This comes from having both a Bard and the Rouge who aren't great at melee fighting. I'm thinking about taking one of those out so a Warrior can come in. Thoughts? TIA.

That party can do it easily. As I said in my walk through, you can do it with just two casters that are full Archmages (although that Is very hard). Your choice is a good one. And that is the grouping I chose to play through first.

You could also roll up a warrior and a monk in addition to the group you have. You can swap these in and out of your party as you grind up your magic users. That way you get to try everything and use everything you find.

The rogue is good for opening the chests you'll find, some of which cannot be opened using magic. He/she also gets a critical hit chance after hiding.

The hunter gets a critical hit chance and can use ranged weapons which is also useful.

The Palidan's first two spells are awesome at giving your party pluses to hit and to defense at high levels.

And the bard songs to regenerate hits and spell points are invaluable.

I played with my hunter in fourth position with ranged weapons or third position with melee weapons. And I hid my rogue during the first round of combat once he was high enough level to actually stay hidden.

Your selection is a good one.