Item Drops - ID: 736

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by damow on 16/09/2012, 01:37:31

Only starting playing recently, enjoying it a lot.
One slight irritation is trying to get decent gear. Decent drops seem very rare. After the most recent update I seem to
get loads of fairy lights, healing potions and harmonic gems, but very few decent weapons etc. Grinds seem to produce none at all, only first time in new areas. I'll get a chest, get briefly excited, then get 720gold! I'm up to the Bandit's cave. Does it get better? Do grinds eventually yield some decent gear?

I'm on the verge of posting a walk through including a list of the items I found from random drops. For now I will say I agree that the recent tweak gives between 30 and 50 percent Harmonic Gems, Harmonis Splinters and at earlier monster hang outs Fairy Lights--which cast Minor Revelation which is good for seeing secret passages and walk through trees. At later hang outs you get Divine Powder (Resurrection) instead of the Fairy Lights but equally unnecessary by the time you start getting them. It's too bad Divine Powder does not cure Draining instead--then it would be useful in the Inferno.

The good news: in the Bandit's Cave you should also be getting Iron armor and weapons as well as some nicer leather stuff. The drops happen at about 20 percent of your encounters in the Bandit's Cave. Of course, half of those drops will be the aforementioned stuff you don't want or need. I ran as many as 24 consecutive fights with no drops, but the average was 20 percent. Mario says the percentage goes up with larger numbers of monsters, but that's about what I got for the fixed encounter with the 18 Tarasz.

In the Sewers you get Steel armor and weapons. In the Dedarant Cave you get Andursteel armor and weapons. You get the same in the Dwarf Mountains, but I had fewer and smaller encounters there. And in the Inferno you get of Forgus weapons and armor, but the encounters are small and tough since some of your foes Drain you.

Good Hunting!

Hi wizardz!

Thank you very much for your insights :-)


Thank you, very helpful.