Where do I get better equipment? - ID: 657

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Nipon621 on 14/05/2012, 18:49:27

So, thus far I love the game and am grateful for the opportunity to enjoy a similar experience to The Bards Tale (a classic I missed, as I was very young when it was in vogue).

So I understand that most of the good gear is stuff you find, and I know there are shops at the castle, but when and where will I find a shop that sells better stuff? Does one exist? Can I somehow get something that helps my spellcasters regenerate spell points faster than 1 every 30 seconds real time? Are harmonic gems purchaseable? Is there anything akin to The Eye Of The Aetheopica (if not, please consider adding a less overpowered, but similar artifact to Silversword 2)?

Can I buy gloves, helmets or slightly better weapons anywhere? I have no problem with grinding (i play a lot of roguelikes, so limited resources are a familiar concept to me) but I was really upset when I looked forward to outfitting my party with the few items I lack, getting more songs, and buying better Sp/Hp balms/gems/whatever at savage crossing - I could hardly contain my excitement... But then I realized that its just an inn. Can anyone help me out here?

Thanks in advance

There is more than just an inn to Savage Crossing ... you may want to search around some. However, don't expect any dramatic upgrades.

Honestly I had a lot of trouble with equipment. I found the scarcity of equipment pretty frustrating.I believe my paladin was using something like an iron mace all the way until the dwarven mine region. And my hunter was in mostly starter equipment for most of the game. Even now she's in entirely bronze and iron stuff -- what better stuff I found went to my warrior and paladin.

What little I did scrounge up I am not ashamed to admit I got from scumming chests, which is apparently now "fixed" out of the game.

If it's any consolation, by mid-game melee damage is generally far outclassed by ranged crits and spell damage. And any lack in AC can usually be countered with a little xp grinding into hp and dex.

Thank you for your reply - I actually did find the other part of the town, including a "secret" store. Anyhow, I suspected that it may be a case of "make do with what you find". I do have problems with equipment and item addiction that I picked up from diablo/diablo2, but while i feel that it is solid game design to avoid equipment alone determining success vs failure, it would be nice to work towards something material (ie; best gear) as well as progressing through the story line. I kind of feel like all the gadgets, weapons, armor and magical stuff are one of the things that make these games appeal to me so much. You won't discover a wand of finger of death or enchanted plate mail in grand theft auto! Anyhow, thanks for the info.

P.S. If I cant buy harmonic gems, then where the heck is the energy regeneration song?

I agree here that there should be more random drops of equipment. I mean, they are all fighting you with swords and armor. With the exception of the rats, which I find hilarious when they drop a chest. And I hate that harmonic gems are not for sale at any price, anywhere.

Huh... I had allways assumed that they were the goblins' guard rats, standing watch over their loot XD

Quote from Author: Nipon621
Huh... I had allways assumed that they were the goblins' guard rats, standing watch over their loot XD

Yes, they are! :roll:

I put "adding more random loot" on my ToDo list :-)


Yeah, I take great pleasure in upgrading equipment (loot, purchases, whatever), but since the 2.10 update that eliminated chest scumming and seemed to set most chests to hold only insignificant amounts of gold, I found that equipment upgrades entirely dried up. I'm up to the Paradosa regions now, and basically all of the shops in the game have sucked. They're really only there for selling stuff, and gold is really only useful for purchasing spells and downing a few drinks at the local taverns.

Heck, it even seems that random enemy drops have slowed down considerably since 2.10. I'm lucky to get one or two chests per hour of grinding now.

Quote from Author: Mejilan
Heck, it even seems that random enemy drops have slowed down considerably since 2.10. I'm lucky to get one or two chests per hour of grinding now.

Uhm... that wasn't changed, so this might be just bad luck.


Thank you Mario for your kind and prompt reply - it is a surreal but refreshing experience to speak with the developer of a game I so thouroughly enjoy.

Since you appear to be looking at this thread, I wish to thank you not only for the wonderful game and your time, but also for the taverns in the game. I think I have fallen in love with their restorative abilities. They are an absolutely fantastic addition to the towns and I have begun to consider them as indespensable.

Oh, I didn't mean to suggest that you fiddled with the monster drops, Mario. I'm well accustomed to being slighted by the RNG gods!  :)
I remember getting fairly consistent quality and quantity of drops up to and including all of the Savage Crossing adventures. I proceeded to grind out a ton of levels for around 8 hours by farming the Annsharbour house encounters, and literally got no loot of worth for my troubles. The levels were nice, however.
The Dedranat Caves returned me to a happy, loot-filled state, but things dried up again significantly after that, namely Karilan Andur and the Mountain Ridge (where I'm now stuck trying to force open a river-side chest!)

Such a great game!  :)

Quote from Author: Mejilan
... (where I'm now stuck trying to force open a river-side chest!) ...

I assume thats the same chest that I got stuck on.

I'm in my second play through and am about ready to hit the Infero again, I decided to grid out a few more levels and go for the Bone arrows when I encountered that chest. Decided to give it a rest until the next version comes out.

2.1.1 is live.
I'm downloading now!


You know what? Never mind.
That chest is still basically unforceable.
I just watched my troupe of level 40-somethings fling themselves at this chest one-by-one until they were rendered defeated and incapacitated by the effort. Strengths of 18-25. Lucks of 18-28. It made no difference.
And now, it's possible to achieve a game over by failing to bash open a chest enough. And this with a party featuring a cumulative 6000+ HPs!

This new chest mini-game, disabling Trap Zap, and necessitating a rogue has really levied a black mark against an otherwise great game. I don't understand how, with Trap Zap already costing a variable number of SPs for those few chests it does actually work on, I can't just be dinged with an exhorbitant SP cost for a quick magical unlock that allows me to quickly progress on my way. I'd prefer losing a 100 or so SPs to these occasional über-chests, to the damage my sanity is currently incurring.

  • sighs*

Quote from Author: Mejilan
You know what? Never mind.

That chest is still basically unforceable.
I just watched my troupe of level 40-somethings fling themselves at this chest one-by-one until they were rendered defeated and incapacitated by the effort. Strengths of 18-25. Lucks of 18-28. It made no difference.
And now, it's possible to achieve a game over by failing to bash open a chest enough. And this with a party featuring a cumulative 6000+ HPs!

This new chest mini-game, disabling Trap Zap, and necessitating a rogue has really levied a black mark against an otherwise great game. I don't understand how, with Trap Zap already costing a variable number of SPs for those few chests it does actually work on, I can't just be dinged with an exhorbitant SP cost for a quick magical unlock that allows me to quickly progress on my way. I'd prefer losing a 100 or so SPs to these occasional über-chests, to the damage my sanity is currently incurring.

  • sighs*

Yeah, I was surprised it is even worse now. Taking 500 points of damage every fail with no success. Not sure why the rogue is there, as the game still stays all red on the traps, and lockpicks don't work. Oh well.

Quote from Author: Mejilan
You know what? Never mind.

That chest is still basically unforceable.
I just watched my troupe of level 40-somethings fling themselves at this chest one-by-one until they were rendered defeated and incapacitated by the effort. Strengths of 18-25. Lucks of 18-28. It made no difference.
And now, it's possible to achieve a game over by failing to bash open a chest enough. And this with a party featuring a cumulative 6000+ HPs!

This new chest mini-game, disabling Trap Zap, and necessitating a rogue has really levied a black mark against an otherwise great game. I don't understand how, with Trap Zap already costing a variable number of SPs for those few chests it does actually work on, I can't just be dinged with an exhorbitant SP cost for a quick magical unlock that allows me to quickly progress on my way. I'd prefer losing a 100 or so SPs to these occasional über-chests, to the damage my sanity is currently incurring.

  • sighs*

My 35 strength warrior just burnt all 650 health points trying to force that @#*$ing chest as well. Guess the game goes back into hibernation.

Sorry Mario but the new zap proof chests seem to have converted a game I played for over 200 hours into one I don't want to play again. Any way I can go back to version 2.0.9?

Hm this makes me really unhappy.
I will double check it again, sorry. I can understand your anger.

Your parties should be well suited for every chest in the game - I will fix this asap.


I checked it out - the chest was indeed nearly unbreakable :-(

Fix is now being sent to Apple!

Sorry again. The chest difficulty was 200, now it is adjusted to 90 (which is on a scale at 9/10, and your party should be able to handle that).


Quote from Author: icetear
I checked it out - the chest was indeed nearly unbreakable :-(

Fix is now being sent to Apple!

Sorry again. The chest difficulty was 200, now it is adjusted to 90 (which is on a scale at 9/10, and your party should be able to handle that).



That was the first chest that I encountered that I had failed to brake into using version 2.1.0 this explains why.

Good job Mario. Looking forward to the new fix and geting back to kicking goblin ...

Hello world,

First of all, many thanks to Mario for what became my favourite game!

Second, thanks for the people of the message boards, I would have probably given up on the game pretty early if not for the in-game button pointing right at this forum.


I am one of the people who were just standing in front of the Very Last Chest. Have been there for say a week. Can see but can't touch. And I really want to get that treasure, plant it and get on with my life, until the upcoming expansion that is :-))

I think I've downloaded the 2.1.1. the second it went up in the store, with the same result as the rest of the posters. Thanks again, Mario, for reacting so quickly and working on the fix.

But... I am wondering if the fix will help me and people who play in a similar way. I am playing with the pre-made party +Hu +third Am. They are getting plenty of rest, enjoy one song or the other at all times, and only fight when they absolutely need to. My Am are level 10-12, my fighters in their mid-twenties.

Namely, I do have a Rogue. Level 24, 99% lockpicking skill, and maybe 48 lockpick charges on him (I am posting from the memory). No chance to get even one gizmo flashing.

My Rogue was temporariliy retired when I got to Inferno, for obvious reasons, in favour of a Hunter. I swapped him for the Monk to deal with the endgame chests, and very much enjoyed going forward until the stalemate with the last chest.

Now, I am wondering what I should do and if the new update is going to help me at all or make everything even worse:

1) As I leveled up for DX first, IN/CN second and then luck, our strength has been a bit neglected, putting it mildly. With a Hu, Pa's Stoneblade, and Ba's Dragonbone bow, honestly you wouldn't ask why I saw further stregth leveling as irrelevant. As a result, only Hu has ST>18. Unfortunately, he also has HP+CNvalue500. I could go get my Monk with ST28, but he has only 300 HP.

Hence my question: does the character that "forces open" has to stay alive after the explosion for the attempt to be successful? If not, then I am afraid the only way would be to create a completely new Wa (which is tedious, I did everything without having or wanting one, Wa is not my stile anyway), powered for ST and CN, just for one chest?

2) I kind of feel like as a loyal Rogue user I am entitled to be able to open the chest :D. Especially with so many lockpicks.

Hence my second question: will fixing that chest also make it easier to open for those of us who do hire a rogue to do what, ugh, rogues are meant to do?

And my third question: do I need Dietrichs instead of lockpicks? Frankly, I never understood the difference, because on a normal chest a D will eliminate one switch and a L another one, but D's are damn expensive!

If I need to invest another X hours so that my glorious party invests all spoils of war (read "enchantment deposit" or my Am's "college fund") into 50 charges of Dietrich, I'll do that, but frankly my Bard has only four Angel's Harp charges left, and I am afraid that going back more than once would be nearly impossible. Therefore, I would very much appreciate the answer to the three questions, to decide whether to go back shopping/fetching a monk, go back in time and create a Wa, or just simply wait for the update.

On a side note, I am wondering whether Stoneblade is a kind of a honeytrap, making the party disregard the strength completely and then realise that you can't progress simply because you haven't taken the right classes at school.

Thanks a lot for reading this very long post :-)

Hi Foxface,

thank you very much for your message!

The next update, which has already been sent to Apple, will make the chest a "normal" one again.
With a difficulty of 200, the gizmos can't work. Perhaps spending 10+ lockpicks would help, but this is not meant to be.
If you will just wait for 2.12, you will get the chance to open the chest by normal means.
99% lockpicking skill should be enough for any chest ;-)

Your party will be fine with 2.12. If not, I'll sent you a gift, together with a reimbursal :-)

As to the Dietrich - a secret lies in this item. Perhaps one of the players here has already lifted it.

A paladin isn't necessary for progress, although the stoneblade itself is needed. The game does not contain any demand for a special class (if so, throw stones at me).


Thank you for fixing that bedeviled chest Mario!
Before hitting up the forums again this morning, I left the Ridge Fault map and re-entered it (in the vain hope

that it would reset/update the chest to 2.11 values) and proceeded to kill my entire party on it again!

Quite humorous!

I am looking forward to the new patch and resuming my mist excellent adventures!


Thanks a lot, Mario, I will take advantage of great weather and deal with the Chest when the update comes!
Best wishes,

Um. The dragon grave lock is not another level 200 lock by any chance, is it?
Also... Ouch. 500 points of damage per each force attempt!?  :(

Quote from Author: Mejilan
Um. The dragon grave lock is not another level 200 lock by any chance, is it?
Also... Ouch. 500 points of damage per each force attempt!?  :(

Don't touch the dragons...!

The lock will be fixed as soon as the update is approved by Apple.
Sorry for the waiting.

Kind Regards

Got it. Thanks again!
Back to Dragon's Dogma, then!


Hi guys, having finished the game I'm on an item quest.

Was wondering where you get

1) Hattori Hanzo (love the Kill Bill reference)
2) Fiery Avenger
3) Bone Arrows (having gotten the dragonbone bow which is fantastic)

Also wanted to understand the critical hitting capacity of certain weapons like Silversword and katanas even when the characters wielding them (namely a warrior or a paladin in the former's case) didn't have a Crit Hit ability. Also, if I was to then give it to a hunter with a 99% Crit, would that stack?


Haven't gotten 1 or 3 yet, but the Fiery Avenger is found in the sewers of Annsharbour on or around midnight only. If you bumped into an obscure clue that got noted in your logbook referring to the 24th of November, know that this clue pertains to the Fiery Avenger.

It was a great weapon for when I found it, but the Stoneblade completely outclasses it IMHO.

I think 3 should be in Dragon Tower. I haven't fully finished exploring it yet, so I cannot confirm.

The Arrows are in the Dragon Tower. There'll be a very visible treasure chest, you cannot miss it. But I think at the moment there's a problem with unlocking this chest. Keep us posted!
Never find the No 1. though (and I thought I'd mapped everything), and I don't remember where I found the katana, I just had it at some point, it probably dropped from a "normal" treasure chest.



Quote from Author: bashar749
Hi guys, having finished the game I'm on an item quest.

Was wondering where you get

1) Hattori Hanzo (love the Kill Bill reference)
2) Fiery Avenger
3) Bone Arrows (having gotten the dragonbone bow which is fantastic)

Also wanted to understand the critical hitting capacity of certain weapons like Silversword and katanas even when the characters wielding them (namely a warrior or a paladin in the former's case) didn't have a Crit Hit ability. Also, if I was to then give it to a hunter with a 99% Crit, would that stack?


Regarding the Fiery Avenger, I am in the sewer at spot 11/24. What are the embers which are used for face painting that's referenced in the log?

Also, where is the Dragon Tower? Is it after the Inferno?


The 11/24 secret area is basically a dead end until midnight, at which point a normally blank wall becomes a magic mouth. The Dragon's Tower is part of a relatively new sequence of areas that will lead into a whole new set of adventures once the expansion hits later this year. You can get to the Dragon's Tower by exploring the Mountain Ridge / Ridge Fault regions accessible from the early mountain areas.

Never did find the HH Katana, and I'm done with the game until the expansion lands.  :(

Quote from Author: Mejilan
The 11/24 secret area is basically a dead end until midnight, at which point a normally blank wall becomes a magic mouth. The Dragon's Tower is part of a relatively new sequence of areas that will lead into a whole new set of adventures once the expansion hits later this year. You can get to the Dragon's Tower by exploring the Mountain Ridge / Ridge Fault regions accessible from the early mountain areas.

Never did find the HH Katana, and I'm done with the game until the expansion lands.  :(

I'm standing there at midnight, but there is just a wall. Do I need to do something else to trigger the mouth, like light a torch?

figured it out. You do need to use shatter wall.

Weird. I don't remember needing that spell. Actually, I'm fairly sure that I never used the SW spell.

Quote from Author: Mejilan
Weird. I don't remember needing that spell. Actually, I'm fairly sure that I never used the SW spell.

Maybe it's what changed with one of the updates?

You probably shouldn't listen to me, because I have no idea whatsoever. I think you might try using a torch in that area, because a torch uses embers that shed (ember) light, which would paint your face. That probably won't work, but I'd try it.

I definitely was not using torches by that point in the game. I had 3 or 4 lightwands powering all of my explorations.

Aha! Don't use torches that won't work.myou actually get a fire-y sword from this (to paint your face with ember). Just explor that drainage area at midnight. Bump into walls and remember who to pray to. (if you've already beaten the game, this weapon is pretty much useless.)

I found the Hattori Hanzo of Forgus in either the Inferno or Dragon Tower (I can't remember which).