Thank you for a great game - ID: 647

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Bob Albright on 09/05/2012, 19:35:07

After 124 hours of play, I completed the game. Enjoyed it a lot. When I sensed I was near completion, I downloaded Bards Tale. It gets good reviews but just didn't cut it for me very clunky and the user interface is horrible. I think you took the main feel of bt and gave us a better game!

Strongly agree. Perhaps it's just because I'm older and wiser, but I definitely prefer Silversword to the classic Bard's Tale trilogy. And I have no problem playing dated fare! In fact, I'm sort of tempted to drop DOSBox on my iPhone to see if Wiz 6&7 are playable!  :)

I'm so nostalgic for the older games. Grew up on Zork and all the interactive fiction games, and still prefer primitive graphics to the headache inducing 3D stuff. I'm also playing NetHack, the "advanced" version of the classic Rogue. It just never gets old for me.