Can't find Sign Of Maruziel!! - ID: 603

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Bank$ter on 21/04/2012, 17:18:39

I have beem thru everything twice. Totally stuck. Can't get thru the last door of the Tarasz Passage because I don't have the sign of Maruziel. I am also stuck in the Ridge Fault where I can't pass the pedestal, or the walkway that says this area is protected by a special force or something. I have 3 diamonds, no rubies. Don't know what I am supposed to do, or go. Like this game but am completely stuck and frustrated!!! Please help if you can, Thanks!!

Maybe a little hint Mario?!?!


have you been in the bandits cave and killed the boss?


Uh, no. How do I get to the bandits cave?

Hi bankster....the bandits cave is south of loch ...loch whatever it is. Need to go thru secret tree passage to get there. A hint pops up when you are close to those trees. Prepare for a tough fight when u enter the fortress. :)

Thanks, that was really helpful! I'm good now!