Burial mound riddle - ID: 571
FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern
This topic was started by Bank$ter on 03/04/2012, 05:19:54
I am at the 3rd level of the burial mound, don't know the answer to the riddle "The deeper forest holds a secret, invisible for the traveling eye, yet visible to the surveyor"
Can someone please help me, I just want to keep playing the game thanks
Would just appreciate the answer as opposed to hints, if possible
It was answered in forum already.
Probably could have just answered the question more quickly...jerk
Bob - you may have noticed that people answering questions on this forum are often deliberately vague, and yes refer users to previous posts. It's in fitting with nature of the game. Calling fellow users names is not going to endear you to the Silversword community.
And yes I could have written the answer out a hell of a lot quicker than I could this message.