Change class and game version - ID: 564

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by GharanGrenloch on 31/03/2012, 15:00:48

Sorry, I have two total noob questions-- I looked diligently, but cannot find a specific answer. I've been on the game for 4-5 hours-- classically awesome.

1. Change class. What are the limitations/requirements? My magic users has ve option, but no other class has the option yet. Is there a specific level (minimum) for other classes? Is it based on abilities (e.g. can't be a warrior unless you have at leasta 14 STR)? Can some classes not change? I feel like I am missing something very simple.

Specifically, I have a bard that has reached L6 and would like to change her to either a rogue or monk. She has really good stats (14, 18, 16, 17, 19), so I doubt it is a stat issue. I like the bard, but it seems like her usefulness has maxed out with just 3 bard songs. If she could change to a monk, have me level up with a monk, then have the bard song be able to be used again when the classes reach an equal level,then that would be great. If that is not possible, I may retire her an start a monk at L1.

2. There has been reference to the lite version and the whole version. There is no indication I have the lite version I have version 2.09. My concern is that I recently read about bards getting other songs, but not in the lite version. I haven't found any yet, but I'm oly a few hour in. How would I know whether I have the lite version or not?

Hello GharanGrenloch,

1. only magic users can change classes (this might change with the upcoming expansion). Changing class is possible after a magic user has bought at least 2 new spell levels (you have to be level 5 for this) - but beware: you can NOT change back to a former class later.

2. I have taken the lite version out of the store - it is no longer available. Therefore you have everything you need :-)


Thanks Mario. Tremendous game, BTW.

I guess I read too much into other threads where it really seemed to me that there were multiple classes, people seemed to be talking about Hun/Mon and War/Rog mixes. I guess I misinterpreted.

Since the tutorial does state that additional bard songs will be found in the full version, I guess I may hold onto her.

The bard, monk and paladin are key components in my opinion.

I also keep a hunter and three magic users. Rouges are almost useless.

Have played through twice now and the bard is definitely worth keeping. I don't reckon the monk offers anything that others don't (sure, high damage and AC, but low hit points doesn't help against lava / magic and your spellcasters will kill most things later in the game), and there's no shortage of people bagging the rogue on here.

Reckon 3 spell casters are the way to go too.

Perhaps in the end-game the monk doesn't shine as well as your magic users, but getting to the end game, the monk helps greatly because of the high-damage, no need for finding special weapons and armor.

I never build a team without my monk.