Silver scythe - ID: 553

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Bank$ter on 27/03/2012, 03:39:16

How do I know when it is midnight so that I can enter the grave to get the silver scythe for Gwyddon? I keep dying every time I try to enter the grave


  There is a island across the water. Use levitate to get there. sleep there till morning which is 8am, sleep another 8 hours which takes you till 4pm.(Note it gets dark at 7). then sleep i think its 6 hours will take you to 10pm. Make sure you use your bard song to stop monsters attacking you or so you can run and get there not getting interupted all the time, its called travellers ditty. 

Then wait at gate untill you hear the bell chime. You need your sound turned up. It rings at midnight.


If you keep checking the save / load game screen, it tells you the time.

I have it saved about ten seconds before the chime. I still keep dying. I have tried entering as the chime is chiming, after, before, nothing seems to work, always my whole party dies. Frustrating! Any help would be appreciated, the help so far was great, many thanks!

Level up more before you go. Also check equipment to increase ac

You need some herbal enhancement in the path behind the farm

Herbal enhancement? Farm? I found some mushrooms, what do I do with those? Also, I am level 13, is that a high enough level to get into the grave? Can't find herbal enhancement or farm. Can't get into the Druid's temple either. Stuck & frustrated, can anyone help?

You have what you need. Head to the mound at midnight!

Thanks for the help, just got in! Everyone is really helpful on this message board, thank you!!!