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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Tagu on 23/03/2012, 05:53:49

I completed the gam today. Total 194 game days, 77:44 playtime, level 56 paladin my archmages are only 13 level.

Why so long compaired to sum others whom completed the game? I did not keep rerolling my starting stats untill a given total, just till I got a 17+ in a prime stat. Bit took for ever for the paladin to gain enough spell points to be able to raise the dead, he finally could do it just with a couple of levels of the wizards to go for beyond death. Plus I do not look to throw spells all the time. I try to have the paladin, monk, bard, rogue and hunter kill off the foes. The 2 spell caster help by throwing butterfly knifes (more damage the knife and can be thrown up to 20 feet away from the back row.)

I liked the end boss fight better than the bards tale endings. It made me concern enough to unload 2 Sodar wraths upon the it.

Most bards tales end bosses had a large set encounter before them and the boss was solo. That was a bit anticlimactic as the set encounter was usually much tougher than the end boss.

Good Job. Looking forward to expansion and/or silversword 2.

Congratulations Tagu!

Thank you very much for your dedication. Don't delete your save game, you might need it again 8-)
