Help Can't get into Burial Mound - ID: 447

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by BardBrawler on 09/02/2012, 02:50:58

I can't get into the Burial Mound, I went to the Loch Caetar town and I found the grave and I enter at midnight or at least try because as soon as i get close their is an flower emitting an intense stench. And I die before i get to the gate.

I can't figue how to get in, can someone tell me how to get in or tell me what i'm doing wrong?

You need something to block out the smell. That something can be found on the same map.

Quote from Author: OBoile
You need something to block out the smell. That something can be found on the same map.

I have the "odor blocker" and am at the mound at midnight and I still can't get in. How do I get in?


Quote from Author: Enigmafan420
Quote from Author: OBoile
You need something to block out the smell. That something can be found on the same map.

I have the "odor blocker" and am at the mound at midnight and I still can't get in. How do I get in?


Have you been given the quest to retrieve the item? If so, you can just go right in at midnight.


- got quest from Gwyddon to retrieve the sickle from the grave? (Important!)
- mushroom in inventory?
- midnight (check at settings screen)
- bump into door or touch the entrance

expected behaviour: Loading please wait...

If this does not work, please send me your savegame :-)


Not sure I got the quest. Been stuck in this area for a long time and don't remember. What was the quest?

Great game Mario.

Simply follow the road from Savage Crossing east to the Deeper Forest.
You should meet Gwyddon on the way, and he should give you hints on how to proceed.


Quote from Author: icetear
Simply follow the road from Savage Crossing east to the Deeper Forest.

You should meet Gwyddon on the way, and he should give you hints on how to proceed.



I have met him, I don't remember him giving me any quest though. He has joined my party and then dropped out when I leave Savage Crossing.

Okay so I went back to Savage Crossing and picked him up. He didn't offer me any quest and he left the party as I headed north out of town. HELP! :)

This one is not so obvious indeed... go east to the next map until the way is blocked. Then return to Gwyddon.


Is there anything you need to do prior to gyddon giving the grave mound quest?

I've been to Druids grove and got the "you need to be cleansed" note but I havnt allowed him to join the party. No idea if I've missed anything tbh though I did notice that he's asking for a mushroom in the starter city. Maybe this needs doing first?

If I can get away with it I'd rather not send my save file, I had a nightmare getting it to "stick".

Any help is gratefully received.

as far as I can tell you need to do the following:
Meet Gwyddon, he doesn't need to join your party
Go east until you find that the path is blocked by a tree like thing in the Deeper Forest.
Come back, Gwyddon will give you the quest when you pass him on the road
Get Mushrooms
Go to Burial Mound at midnight

Thanks, I'll try again. It looks like the last update (maybe) reset everything.

Okay you definitely have to head east and get turned around before you get the quest. Worked for me.

Now-I seem to be stuck in the mound. I have walked all over the first level and obtained may amulets. I can't descend, don't know where to use the amulets, can't sell or equip them, and basically am stuck again.

Any nudges in this area would be appreciated. The first of the mound seems very small so I know I have missed something.

On a positive note, I FINALLY have multi-class magic users :)

Face every mound wall as you crab/walk along next to it. (Your characters will get better at noticing with practice/levels).
Well done on the class changes.

Quote from Author: Enigmafan420
Okay you definitely have to head east and get turned around before you get the quest. Worked for me.

Now-I seem to be stuck in the mound. I have walked all over the first level and obtained may amulets. I can't descend, don't know where to use the amulets, can't sell or equip them, and basically am stuck again.

Any nudges in this area would be appreciated. The first of the mound seems very small so I know I have missed something.

On a positive note, I FINALLY have multi-class magic users :)

In the central room should be a place to use the amulets...


Okay well I obviously see the pully contraption. But I'm not seeing how to actually use the amulets. When I chose the "use an item" command, the amulets don't even show up as usable items.

Thanks Mario. Having so much fun!!!

You should find a means to use the items in one corner of the room.
Have you checked all corners?
