Where to go? - ID: 290

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by ErikBloodaxe on 02/01/2012, 01:11:13

I've just downloaded(full game not lite) and played a good nights worth of exploring,sofar I've only received 2 quests (them,and herbs) I've completed both. My group are all at lvl 7or8,I've explored the watchtower fully(I was unable to enter 1 door. I'm currently at an area with another tower and cliffs,I keep getting "lost weapons" after battles so I'm assuming that I've missed a quest somewhere. I'm actually astonished about the lack of quests or direction in the game. Put simply I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or where to go next... After this cliff area I see no way to go any further. I need some hints or guidence. Any help would be appreciated . Thanks


You have access to a dungeon, a crypt, and a watchtower. Bring up your maps outside and make sure you have explored every corner. This is not the kind of game that leads you around.

Hullo.. Someone reads Robert Rankin?


I figured out why I was stuck... I didn't notice that I was supposed to go get the watchtower key from the arms master at the first castle...my mistake:).. Oh and@Titian I have not but sounds interesting,although I've never really gotten into steampunk. I like outrageous literature so I may give it a look.

Pretty sure in one of his boos, the is an eric bloodaxe... Might be a brian bloodaxe... Gets half his head knocked off but that doesnt stop him... Its in the same series of books as the sprouts of wrath.. Good and funny read.. Not that its ot totaly off subject or anything lol
