When is it time to leave? - ID: 274

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Cathedral on 31/12/2011, 23:28:32

So...I had finished the "light" version and was told in-game that I'd have to wait for the full version.

I bought the full version, and I even bought the compendium to show some support for the creator.

Now that I have the full version, is it time to leave the castle and head someplace? Or is there still work to be done in the castle and the surrounding areas?

Are there certain items you should have before you venture on? I noticed some people said something about finding thieves pick tools, but I haven't found them anywhere.

All my characters are level 7 now.


When/who should I multi-class for the most benefit?

I've tried taking out the guardians of the wood, and still haven't been successful yet.

Only... Only... Only... Change your casters class when they get to 13th lvl or above... So they have thenfull range of spells.. The lower classes con and mage lvl up much faster than wiz.. So might wanna grab a few extra levels of those for the hps/sps/stats before moving onto the slower caster classes.. If your able to handle savage crossing then move on.. If your confident of having explored every where and done everything.. Move on to new adventures...


Savage crossing?

Quote from Author: Cathedral
Savage crossing?

Past the forest is the Savage Crossing. If you've killed the head goblin, then you're probably ready to go there. However, you likley want to just level up a bit before you go into the dungeons in that area. Probably level 13 is enough to go into the dungeons for short periods.

IMO you shouldn't change your casters until they get all 7 levels of spells (so level 13).

When all of your characters have accumulated over 250,000 XP, that's a good sign that you should leave the LITE version and come over to the FULL version. Having 250,000 XP on each character will allow you to advance all of your party to level 13 and also allow you to max out your Magic User's spells in their 1st choice of classes. Once the party hits level 13 have the Magic Users change out their class to another field of study. You should be able to get through the next areas without too much difficulty...


Well, I haven't been able to take out two sets of "Guardians of the Grove" yet, one set is on the first map near the castle, on the eastern side of the map. And the other set of "Guardians of the Grove" is just before "Savage Crossing". Should I wait to leave until I take them out? And I believe I took out the head goblin, wasn't he in the dungeon where I released the imprisoned guard?

Level 13!?! That's allot of "farming" for XP in the castle area.

Quote from Author: Cathedral
Well, I haven't been able to take out two sets of "Guardians of the Grove" yet, one set is on the first map near the castle, on the eastern side of the map. And the other set of "Guardians of the Grove" is just before "Savage Crossing". Should I wait to leave until I take them out? And I believe I took out the head goblin, wasn't he in the dungeon where I released the imprisoned guard?

Level 13!?! That's allot of "farming" for XP in the castle area.

Yes, if you've released the prisoner, you've beaten the had goblin. The Guardians of the Grove near the castle are pretty tough. I'd avoid them if you can. IIRC there are fewer in the forest before the savage crossing (I actually don't recall this fight). I'd say go there. IMO you'll have more fun in the savage crossing even if you have to reload a few times than you will just grinding in beginner areas. That being said, if you want to grind, the crypt is a good spot to do it as there are many places near the door where the enemies always spawn.