Tunnel in the swamp - ID: 220

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by OBoile on 22/12/2011, 08:32:21

I think I'm missing something. The lizard people tell me to take the passage, but I can't use the stairs there without permission from some guy who's name starts with 'M' or his high priest. I've done the bandit camp. Is there something else I have to do? Is so, what is it? Thanks.

It should all become clear shortly after proceeding following completing the grave mound.

I've completed the grave mound and the druid's grove (you have to in order to get to the swamp). It still isn't clear.

I'm trying to be vague, but the swamps hold the key. Take a closer look in the south east corner.

I have been there, is there something else besides the hidden 'people' who tell you to take the underground passage? That's the problem, I can't exit from that passage. Did I perhapse miss something they said?

Unless I'm mistaken, there should be a priestess there who wants a few Orc Scalps. She first thanks you the rescue.

Quote from Author: Stumeister
Unless I'm mistaken, there should be a priestess there who wants a few Orc Scalps. She first thanks you the rescue.

There was some mention of Orc scalps the first time I went there, but now nothing. I have 10 in my inventory but all she says is I can use her hut. Anything else I could be missing? Thanks.

Try the hut, not the cave. :-)

If I am not mistaken, the original post referred not to the entrance to the Tarasz Passage, but to the EXIT of the Tarasz Passage. You need indeed a sign from Maruziel itself. And that sign... can be found... elsewhere ;-)


Quote from Author: icetear
If I am not mistaken, the original post referred not to the entrance to the Tarasz Passage, but to the EXIT of the Tarasz Passage. You need indeed a sign from Maruziel itself. And that sign... can be found... elsewhere ;-)



Yes exactly the exit (or at least I assume it is the exit unless there are multiple levels) But I already got the Amulet of Maruziel from a high priest. Is it something else? Thanks!

Bump into the door, then use the symbol.


Quote from Author: icetear
Bump into the door, then use the symbol.



That did it. Thanks!

Where did that amulet come from??? I guess maurizel chappy but cant find them...

Ah found him .... But oh my god ... You did not make getting to him easy lol
Absolutly loving the game buy the way ... Got skyrim for the xbox at christmas.. Tried it for a couple of hour.. Think its ace .. But this for pure entertainment is rivaling it... Thanks a million .. My wifes not to chuffed though ;-)

Quote from Author: icetear
Bump into the door, then use the symbol.



How do you use the symbol? When I look at my characters inventory I have the symbol, but when I click on the hand icon it does not show up in the list of useable items.

Edit - I just used a light source and there isnt even a door. I just receive the message that I need the blessing to pass.

Bump into the door (walk into it or touch it) - then you will see an actions menu on your screen with some options (if it is the right door).


Please tell me the exact message and I tell you if you're at the right place :-)


You cannot pass without the permission of Mazuriel or his High Priest!

Nevermind, I got it. You dont click the hand to use it, you click "Use Item" when you are at the door options screen where you would normally pick lock, etc.

I am trying to get through the same door but I don't have the amulet. I assume that I get it after I beat the priest in the center of the Bandit Cave, but I can't get past him. How do you beat him? After I beat the Tarsaz Komander in the SW corner of the caves it said that I would be able to find clues to beat him, but I did not get any information after I clicked continue. Any hints? Thanks!

Beating the commander will open the center of the map - and the path to the priest.


Thanks Mario, I will try the priest again. Great game, and great job keeping up with the forum, I appreciate your quick response!

Am I doing something wrong in the Tarasz Passage? I get to a certain portion and DARKNESS and SPIKED TRAPS! I feel like a blind new born baby walking around trying to search my way through. Is there an item I'm missing or a spell I should be using to get through this portion? Shatter Walls does nothing and I can't levitate across any of the water.

Also, is there a glitch in the program that you can't save your progress anywhere but at the enterance ladder?

Please advise!


Nope, no glitch, certain areas are no save areas.. So you cant save, take a step if safe.. Save again or reload if trapped etc it would make certain puzzle areas too easy..

The darkness areas and there are several of them around the place.. You have to go slowly and be prepared for alot of healing etc and use the map feature to see where you are and what direction your facing.. Spinners in darkness areas are not nice! I wont give specifics for this area but if you use the map walk into walls you will be able to build a picture of the shape of the area and you will find the exit..

It takes time and patience but they are passible.. :)


Finally figured it out before I almost whipped my iPad across the room from my mis-steps. :d

I have met a commander and think he must be THE commander. However, I can't seem to find a way to the High Priest. I have been over the entire swamp area a number of times and there is no blank spot left. Stil, Nada. What am I missing?

Regarding the priestess' symbol - I have seen the priestess and she mentioned the scalps. I had a few of them. I know now that I need her symbol but can't find it. When I visit her after the first time, no mention of scalps although I have more, no symbol. What do I do now to get the symbol?

"]Regarding the priestess' symbol - I have seen the priestess and she mentioned the scalps. I had a few of them. I know now that I need her symbol but can't find it. When I visit her after the first time, no mention of scalps although I have more, no symbol. What do I do now to get the symbol?

go to the bandit cave kill the commander and get the information how to go to the priest kill him and get the symbol of muzariel

Quote from Author: Durus
"]Regarding the priestess' symbol - I have seen the priestess and she mentioned the scalps. I had a few of them. I know now that I need her symbol but can't find it. When I visit her after the first time, no mention of scalps although I have more, no symbol. What do I do now to get the symbol?

go to the bandit cave kill the commander and get the information how to go to the priest kill him and get the symbol of muzariel

Thanks. I guess that explains my problem - I have no clue where the bandit cave is.

Quote from Author: Searcher

Thanks. I guess that explains my problem - I have no clue where the bandit cave is.

It's in savage. Look for secret trees.

I'm also stuck in "Tarasz Passage". I have my first character equipped with the "Sign of M" and dwelling in darkness with something telling me "You cannot pass without the permission of M or his high Priest" ... any hint overthere? :idea:

Quote from Author: OBoile
Quote from Author: icetear
the exit (or at least I assume it is the exit unless there are multiple levels) But I already got the Amulet of Maruziel from a high priest. Is it something else? Thanks!

There's only one level, and you will find the exit if you are willing to blunder around in the dark and endure a lot of pain! Be aware that in this dark area, there are rotates everywhere, so check your heading before proceeding. Watch your characters' health and heal as necessary. The only other hint I can give you (it's been a while) is that you will find it in the eastern end of the dark area. You must have the symbol and be facing the door when you bump into it.