Update and Such - ID: 136
FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern
This topic was started by Titansiege on 28/10/2011, 19:32:40
Good evening folks,
Firstly, helluva update.. loving this game more and more :P i havent had chance to fully explore everything that has been updated but will be creating a bunch of new characters and doing some grinding before release of full game.. The racial abilities are nice.. subtle but still define races.. great job there lads..
I have not been posting recently as my partner was heavily pregnant and last monday finnaly gave birth to my baby son.. so have been distracted.. in the last few weeks :P
But when i returned i found that as usual your spot on with this game and i was going to ask when the full version will be released.. however having read some of the posts i have spotted that.. and this will be a great xmas pressie from my son to me :P
Keep up the good work.. and now i have some time to play again.. ill be back on again with any suggestions and prolly more praise :P
OH and an android port would be pretty cool.. i use an ipad.... but do have an android phone so :P
So keep up the good work.. and if not before catch ya'll on release :P
Titanikus... now known as Daddy Titanikus
Congratulations! Hopefully you won't have too many sleepless nights over the next months :)
I am pretty sure you will be able to stand the sleep deprivation as I noticed you are an old shool roleplayer.
Survival training spending nights sitting around a table with your mates only having dices coke and chips available usually strengthen the soul a lot! ;)