Premium Equipment - ID: 1291

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Subotai on 20/05/2014, 13:19:15

You should offer unique and or premium equipment in the real money store. Since the game is not a multiplayer it's not like it's giving an unfair advantage to anyone or anything. This way, those people who don't want to have to grind, don't have to, and, you get some sort of financial support. I know sometimes my PTSD starts acting up and I want to crush my phone when I spend so much time trying to get gear and it takes to long or just doesn't happen. If people are worried about "scores", implement a score penalty...or just no score for those using the "premium" stuff. It's on the player then to decide if they want to invest money...or time. Make the gear purchase unique to the game being played at time of purchase, if you start a new game, you have to repurchase if you want for the new game.

Maybe some form of time scaling too. Sometimes waiting for the day/night transition can be boring.

I love this game.

So do I :-)

Thank you very much!

I will think about it. Buying gold and other divine items is already possible, but this won't enable you to proceed the way new weapons, or even an experience boost would, agreed.

kind regards

I think premium items are a terrible idea and one that reflects the modern idea of 'shortcut' gaming. The work/reward element of gaming is an important one. Take your time, build your characters and find that one chest with that special item in it in an obscure part of the world. Take the time to explore the world in the game and get rewarded by engaging in the game and the narrative. By buying the item you lose the imperative to fully explore the world, do the sub-quests etc etc.

I think being able to buy Mithril runes for gold, a lot of it, say a million gold each, would be nice. Buying items of Forgus for gold would also be acceptable. Perhaps a requirement that you have a DC or master thief in your party to buy would be a good restriction to be able to buy such items would be good. I think being able to buy any items for cash would "ruin" the game for many of us—I know it would for me.

I respectfully disagree. Let Mario make some profit...putting weapons and boosts in app markets is good for the developer, and it's up to the player to buy or not buy. I think it enhances the game. The weapons could be for only certain levels, this way your level one rogue doesn't end up with Excaliber (how's that for a throwback?). It would be nice to get some new premium weapons such as an Excaliber or blade cuisinart, like in old Wizardry.

How about an experience doubler or tripler for us who dont like grinding too much? Although personally id still prefer an offshoot game which transfer saves between it and silver sword which is basically a deep dungeon delve grind and loot mini game using the same basic game engine. The latter might also give more exposure in the app store, especially if playable and purchasable independantly. Also a 2d strategy/tactics map game with transferable save would be right up my alley too.

I like grinding only halve as much as i end up doing in this game... :-/ the depth is still worth it though.