Two requests for combat (partially done) - ID: 1213

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by PotCheese on 17/08/2013, 00:36:33

1. Hopefully very simple, the problem I have is that the buttons for combat( attack, defend, etc ) move because the length of characters name is different, for instance I have a character with a 4 letter name, and a character with a 9 letter name, and the attack button ends up in a different place on the screen, this becomes annoying when you have a setup like this:

1. four
2. nine_nine
3. four

because sometimes I end up hitting defend for person number three... It's a minor problem of course but if easy to fix would be great!

2. When in multi-group enemy mode, can you add a simple Charge( Group 1 ) to the quick options list?


P.S. As always Mario thanks for this game, it's fantastic! What's next? If you keep up games like this I will buy them no matter what...

I, too, have the problem with character name length issue. The temporary work around is to make all character names long enough for them to all wrap the same. (Jason is too short to wrap, but Lord Jason does. Elias is too short, but Elias B does wrap.)

While we are asking for new commands, I'd like to see a second Repeat added to the list: Repeat including spells.

And as I requested in a game support message, the command lists for all characters should start Attack, Defend, Cast followed by the secondary options like Hide, Use, ...) unless a character cannot Attack or Cast.

Thanks for considering these "improvements", Mario.

I will work on this, promised!

Kind regards

For update 2.3.8 I will make the following changes:

- The battle commands now always start on the 3rd line. This means that there will be no additional space between long names (wrapped) and the first button, but it's better than to waste space.

- Attack/Reload, Defend, Cast will be the first three combat options.

As for the Charge command: I have discussed this some time ago. I think it would make things too easy. But I will give it another review.
Repeat with spells: This is not so easy, I am sorry. If I see a chance of restructuring the spellcasting routine, I might work on this.

Kind regards