Ineffective spells (closed) - ID: 1133

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by elkabong on 01/05/2013, 19:02:30

could we not have a single line notice that a spell or horn or whatever is not going to work on whatever you were casting it at? just like when you try a spell that is not in range type of thing? it is extremely tedious and boring and time consuming to watch the screen roll by 35 times saying "prowler resists" when facing a large group of prowlers for instance


Probably can't do that because each monsters gets an individual roll to determine whether they resist the spell or not.

i think i would disagree with that since i haven't seen any evidence that a prowler for instance is not 100% immune to any magic damage other than on the flip side i haven't seen anything not be 100% vulnerable to the hesitation spell. should there be some exceptions it will likely be for an entire group or specific species and not a dice roll so having one line say "all prowlers are paralyzed" or "all the prowlers resist" should perhaps be doable? if not then having massive groups that can only be touched by only a very few items one at a time makes for a very tedious and totally boring battle for me at least

I will revisit the spell handling routines and try to change this.
Hesitation works different, so it is indeed an exception.

But since a monster group consists of only one sort of creature, total immunity to a certain effect could be output in a single line, agreed.

Kind regards

that would be am awesome time saver if you could do that..... thanks Mario for the response and more thanks for taking the time to actually tweak your game on a regular basis for us silversword adventurers  ;)


After revisiting the mechanics, I have to admit that this is not easily doable.
In fact, the prowlers have a very high resistance - and there might be a chance to kill them with spells (although very unlikely). Changing this system would mean a lot or work.

With your permission, I would like to close this feature wish and revive it if other players have the same suggestion.
Until that, please use a low text scrolling delay to skip these messages.

Kind regards