Update for the Manual? (DONE) - ID: 1062

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Bloodshot on 10/04/2013, 21:00:47


I was wondering whether the manual will be getting an update to include information about the new expansion (e.g., what the dragon caller is all about). Before changing one of my characters, I would love to get a sense of what the new class is all about, what character should switch, etc.


Hi Bloodshot,

the manual will be updated soon.

Kind regards

Any hints on how to train your alchemist since the updated manual is not yet out? The thief's new skill was easy to figure out as it automatically gets points as you use your skills but i can not seem to figure out how to utilize the alchemist skill in any way to train it. I've tried holding all of the alchemist material in inventory thinking that you would need the ingredients inorder to use any alchemist skill but no matter if i try to use the skill in combat, out of combat, cast, etc....there seems to be no option to utilize this. Do you get like recipes later in the expansion before you can train this skill?

Just curious....as I'm still not certain if this skill will or will not be useful and may regret using my limited gold, since i use the emporium to recharge my mages so much that i'm essentially broke all the time :(.

Any insight would be highly appreciated.


It should work as follows:

1. Buy the Alchemy skill
2. Buy recipes (various shops should be open with the expansion, you will have to find them)
3. Use the recipes (work like spells), and make sure you have the needed ingredients in your inventory
4. The practice points for Alchemy should go up with each skill use
5. With enough practice points, you can buy a skill-up
6. Some recipes require a skill of at least 10 (20, 30...)

Kind regards

Thanks Mario for the quick reply....guess i need to search for shops with recipes....

Quote from Author: wrathofvi
Just curious....as I'm still not certain if this skill will or will not be useful and may regret using my limited gold, since i use the emporium to recharge my mages so much that i'm essentially broke all the time :(.

Why use the emporium when you can recharge your spell points for free at the fountain in the ruin camp? Just set a travel beacon at the ruin camp, when you're done adventuring cast the Travel to Beacon spell to return to the ruin camp and recharge for free. Just case a levitation spell and walk over the river to the magic fountain to recharge. Because I always use the fountain, I've enormous stash of Harmonic Gems and Splinters that I rarely ever use. Using the emporium to recharge 700 sp per cast is just throwing your money away.

I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, I trained some alchemists, have lots of ingredients. When I go into an alchemist shop and I click on "acquire new spells" it says "who asks to gain more insights" and it doesn't give me any option to select a character. :/ A bug or am I being dumb?

Quote from Author: SonnBoy99

Why use the emporium when you can recharge your spell points for free at the fountain in the ruin camp? Just set a travel beacon at the ruin camp, when you're done adventuring cast the Travel to Beacon spell to return to the ruin camp and recharge for free. Just case a levitation spell and walk over the river to the magic fountain to recharge. Because I always use the fountain, I've enormous stash of Harmonic Gems and Splinters that I rarely ever use. Using the emporium to recharge 700 sp per cast is just throwing your money away.

To be honest, yes i still do use the fountain, but that only recharges every day and half or 2 days. I will quickly use up all my spells points for my casters during power runs through inferno to level and hunt gear. Yes, i can defeat the monsters without over using my spell casters but i was power leveling my characters to get into the expansion since i started over and wanted to be at least level 40 before hitting the new areas. Using up my gold i was able to quickly level from mid-20s to over 40 in about a days worth of playing.....didn't get as much gear as i would have liked but i'm not complaining about what i did get 8-) .

Quote from Author: Martz
I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, I trained some alchemists, have lots of ingredients. When I go into an alchemist shop and I click on "acquire new spells" it says "who asks to gain more insights" and it doesn't give me any option to select a character. :/ A bug or am I being dumb?

Martz, when you said train, were you able to find recipes to cast spells for your alchemist? If so, how far beyond the initial expansion town were you able to find the shop to sell those recipes and how much were they?

No, I mean that I have got the skill at 1% but can't get any recipes to practice it.

Quote from Author: Martz
No, I mean that I have got the skill at 1% but can't get any recipes to practice it.

Well per Mario, you will find shops that sell these recipes. I've only gotten to Iron Valley, so have not found the next town to acquire these recipes. I'm hoping to get some training in this skill also as i find that the warrior with a range one weapon, silversword, sits around and defends a lot, especially when i hit those spell draining spots that pretty much wipes out my am and dc's spell points.

Some of the recipes that you should get with Alchemy at 1% are not available now, it seems.
Blame it on me... they are sold in the Watertop camp. I will fix this and provide an update as soon as possible.

Until then, just ignore the skill.

Kind regards

Ahhh. Thanks, Mario.

Couldn't be more pleased with the game so far. Great job. Can we get some insight to the Dragon Caller class while we are awaiting the updated compendium? Specifically, what are the prerequisites? It seems that it is not eligible to any of my casters, but the SP cost seem to suggest that I should have a pre existing pool of SPs...


The most recent manual (not compendium) can be found here: <URL url="http://silversword-rpg.com/downloads/">http://silversword-rpg.com/downloads/</URL>

Only non-spellcasters are eligible to become a Dragoncaller. They must be at least level 20.
You shouldn't be able to choose a character with existing SpPt for conversion - however, choosing a character with high INT might be of advantage for further SpPt gain.

Kind regards