Love the game but, - ID: 766

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by DocVenger on 04/11/2012, 12:03:04

You have a well designed game and it was great fun until I ran into the spell point wall.

I love playing rpg but I don't have the time to sit and wait for spell point to regenerate every time I return from the many, and personally feel to be far too many, grind missions.

I understand you based this game on Bard's Tale and while they were great games, they were also games from an earlier time. In all rpg style games from that time on there are ways to regenerate spell points in some form or another.

I am not asking for some crazy alteration. Just some way to increase regeneration time because in all the time I have been playing this game I have only found 3 harmonic gems. That is more than 6 months of game play. I have purchased several things from you IAP to help in the future updates but never has an update came that improved this one issue. Even if it is just a tavern to purchase a nights sleep in a town near your current position wold be nice.

So, while I enjoyed playing your game for many months, I can no longer endure the long wait times for spell point regeneration and unfortunately I will be forced to inform others of this flaw in your game.

I will continue to update the game while keeping an eye out for a fix of some kind but until then I must follow my feelings about, what I consider, a serious flaw.

Hi Doc,

are you aware of the magic fountain just outside the castle?
In case you are not: There is one (a little hidden) that willl refresh your spell points completly once a day.
I use to travel quit a lot to the ruins camp because fo this. :-)

Also there are at least one spot where you can rest and regenerate HP and MP just by say how much time you would like to let pass by.

Thedor Keppler

There is
the magic fountain mentioned above
an inn at Loch something 2gp per 10 or 20 HP and MP. Cheap as chips!
An inn at Harbour district 20gp per 10 or 20 HP and MP. Still cheap.
An inn at Paradosa 500gp per some amount of HP and MP. At this point in the game it is affordable.
There are several shrines (one near the magic fountain) and one magic healer (savage crossing) that will increase MP.
There is daylight and eventually the Spirit of chant bard song.

If the game was to increase the MP any quicker then it might as well start with high level characters, weak monsters, give away XP for nothing, etc.

Or perhaps an easy mode for those that need such a feature?

Actually, the spell point well will refresh you every other morning (give or take, depending on the time of day you last used it). There is also a place on the river outside the castle that will regenerate your health points on the same schedule. There is no time limit in the game, so you can go to the camp in the castle to move the clock forward to morning if you are too early for a refresh. You might have to go to the camp twice.

To those that gave helpful info, thank you. I thought I had searched every possible place but it seems I just needed a little help. And to those with snide little comments instead of helpful info you know where you can stick it.

Quote from Author: DocVenger
To those that gave helpful info, thank you. I thought I had searched every possible place but it seems I just needed a little help. And to those with snide little comments instead of helpful info you know where you can stick it.

Some people give HINTS to point you in the right direction. Sometimes, the act of discovery by ones self is motivational. Others will give the SPECIFIC information you are looking for. Sometimes, instant gratification is needed to keep those with short attention spans interested. In a beautiful game like this, I find it most rewarding to take my time and explore every nook and cranny, not merely go from point A to point B in the shortest time possible.

Probably reacting to my easy mode comment even though I was very serious as I know Mario reads the posts.
It's in all our interests that people are happy with the game so perhaps a difficulty level that controls speed of HP, SP regeneration, drop frequency, XP gained, spell costs could be added. Don't imagine it would be so complicated since it would be a modifier to existing game formulas based on the choice.

If the poster doesn't like the phrase 'easy mode' then I am sure Mario could come up with something less controversial.

Introducing a difficulty level is on the list of "probably to come" changes, but it does not have a high priority right now.
