Wandering Monters/Random Encounters - ID: 699

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Montag on 20/06/2012, 17:09:53

I was wondering about the thoughts of "clearing out" specific zones.

What I mean by that is that after a certain number of random encounters you would no longer get any more random encounters because you "cleared out" the zone.

The point of something like that isnt to make it easier....just to relieve the frustration of having random encounter after random encounter in a zone that you are just passing thru that you are way over powered for.

An Example: So after beating, say 30 random encounters, in Savage Crossing you no longer get wandering/random encounters in Savage Crossing. This would be done more to relieve the frustration of getting an encounter ever 5 moves in zones that you are just passing thru against monsters you have 0% chance of losing to that dont give any benefit of meaningful xp or loot.

The old Pools of Radiance had a feature like that. After defeating so many wandering monster encounters in a zone, you no longer got them in that zone.

Im not suggesting removing the static encounters in specific zones no matter how many times you defeat them, just the random ones after defeating them so many times (because you are really just passing thru the zone later in the game).

Anybody have thoughts on this?


I like the idea. Bards Tale had something in it where once you reach a certain level, the "smaller" encounters ceased as the creatures of the lower levels avoided you. Once you have made it to the sewers, for instance, going back to the watchtower would have the snakes and rats of that area jumping out of your way out of fear of certain death from an encounter.

That's a really good idea. I do note that lower-level monsters seem to always allow you to RUN away, but it would maybe be better if they just didn't encounter you at all, or maybe have a spell or something that keeps them away.

Another option: have a spell/song that summons a random encounter to fight, for those times you really just want to grind.

A new spell will be introduced soon that will disable the random fight spots.
