A few things I would like to see in the future. - ID: 679

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Martz on 04/06/2012, 04:54:50

Hi Mario,

Again, what a great game and I can't wait for future expansions!

I am a big fan and have a very tidy little band of high level adventurers with various team options covering all of the classes. Here are a few suggestions - although I would still play whatever you threw at me...slightly addicted!

1. More Paladin spells. I have nearly 1000 spell points on my Paladin and none of the spells are really worth using when my magic users have better and cheaper (sp) options. Blessing and recall are the only ones I really use ATM and very, very infrequently. Maybe a good attacking spell? Geomancers in BTIII had some great spells.

2. Archmage level up points. I think that 4,000,000 is a lot compared to the other classes. 20 times more is a bit disproportionate.

3. Thrown weapons from my magic users are totally ineffective against anything but the lowest level enemies. Perhaps this needs a look or just some better equipment.

4. Access to harmonic gems - i squandered some early on and wished I hadn't. You could make them only available in one place...and really really expensive? Or just more drops.

Anyway, even if you think these are not good ideas, I still love the game!


Oh and before I forget.

5. There seems little point in gaining CN and IQ points after a certain point. Gaining higher hit points and spell points each level may make the 4,000,000 points for the Archmage levelling up a bit more bearable.


Happy Gaming!

I agree with all of those suggestions (especially about loving the game - I am totally addicted). I've been playing the game but haven't finished it, but I have some suggestions for the next update/expansion:

-Spell points take too long to regenerate. I presently have around 500 spell points on each of my mages, and when I go to the rest spot (close to the burial mound I think), it takes 5 game days to rest until my spell points regenerate to full. I would increase the rate of spellpoint regeneration by 5x to 10x. Waiting around is not fun!

-I would recommend introducing a "Camp" feature. Whenever you're in the wilderness, you hit the little tent icon (I imagine this being in the sort of empty spot over on the right side of the screen, above "settings"), and you can wait for a certain number of hours (e.g., 1 hour, 8 hours, until next morning). This way, when you exhaust your spell points in a dungeon you don't have to go all the way back to a far-off point to regenerate to the point where you can go back into the dungeon and keep having fun. This is the same point as above - waiting around (or trudging back across several screens to do something mundane) isn't really fun.

-BATCH SPELL. I've just become an archmage so I could be wrong, but I don't think this spell is in the game. This was introduced by Bard's Tale III and casts the 5 common spells (levitation, revelation, shield, sorceror's sight, etc). Saves a lot of time. Also each of these spells should really have an unlimited duration as it's irritating to have to keep re-casting them

-WAY more item drops. Bard's Tale games are essentially about grinding and getting loot. There just isn't enough of it in this game. Also, there's so much armour and equipment for most characters that the 12 item limit just seems too low. I would increase this to something like 30 items. Anyway, you need tons more items, and items that do weird random stuff. It's not enough to have an iron longsword, make it also cast levitation when used. Something like that, just tons of individual items that each have special names and cast spells or have ongoing effects. Items that do the same thing as bard songs, or increase likelihood of picking locks, or increase critical hit rate, all kinds of stuff. Make it hard for the player to choose what weapon to use rather than just look at the damage it does.

I think that's it for now! Great game Mario, thanks again.

Thanks. Batch spell may not have the same name...perhaps seek some advice from a God!

Quote from Author: Sunface

-Spell points take too long to regenerate. I presently have around 500 spell points on each of my mages, and when I go to the rest spot (close to the burial mound I think), it takes 5 game days to rest until my spell points regenerate to full. I would increase the rate of spellpoint regeneration by 5x to 10x. Waiting around is not fun!

Have you discovered what spending 20 gold on having a drink at the inn does?

I agree that it is frustrating the amount of grinding required to increase levels, when all you get is xp and gold, and there is really very little to spend gold on (item wise).

I love the game, but find that I need to spend more time than I have, leveling up so I can move on in the game.

The camp option is a good one. And more item drops, too, thus more space to carry stuff.

Hi guys!

Well after playing a bit further I realize that there IS batch spell. This is my bad! I might suggest (though this isn't really important) that the manual be amended to include specifically what spells are included with batch spell, as I recall this was how it was handled in BT3. This is pretty minor at this point though so I'll stop typing  ;)

It's true that the inns increase spell points, and I realize that there's more of those around now that I've played the game some more. BUT, I also notice that when you buy a drink at the inn an hour passes, so I'm curious to what extent the spell point raise is just "wait an hour" versus "regenerate spell points". Plus, it's still a very slow rate of increase plus it requires your gold. I still just think that being out in the wilds should increase spell points day or night at a much faster rate than what exists.

Anyway I still adore the game!


Remember, there is a fountain near the Castle Ruin where you can regenerate full spell points "every day" (and a half give or take).

Since there are so many summon spells and figurines, there should be another partymember slot which only a summoned creature can take. I think this was the case in the original Bards Tale games.

The rooster could look like this

S - summoned creature
1 - first melee
2 - second melee
3 - third melee
4 - fourth melee
5 - first ranged/caster
6 - second ranged/caster
7 - third ranged/caster

What do you think about that?

I miss the boomerang.
also, in the old ultima games, you could hole up for a camp, sometimes rest, sometimes get attacked, i think it was ultima iii.
also, i liked the feature in bard tale i, where when you drink too much, the bouncer throws you out. i think adding a feature where an intoxicated bard is a liability, but this may be too much of an issue for younger gamers.

also, throwing weapons really don't do much for the nasty monsters in the inferno.

also, maybe have a way of making the locations more difficult as you get stronger.

i was sad to see the mountain dweller 50, 50 etc. battle was removed, as that was the best cache of experience in the game that i have found, since my maruziel battle crashes

i love how i can manuever my characters during the battle.
maybe a feature where caring for the injured is an option and then the other fighters have to provide cover

also, it would be nice if the shops in the higher levels offered more advanced items.

i agree that paladin needs more spells
i liked the bt3, geomancer option.

maybe more side quests.

maybe having my spellcasters be able to fight a bit better since their dexterity and strength are very high.
maybe more bard songs.

i think i am just waiting for the expansion, which will be when???
love the game.