About combat choices - ID: 604

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Archon Shiva on 22/04/2012, 16:05:17

Actual feature request, now.

1. Most of all, when the game asks Yes or No to start a round, can we get a line or two of empty space between the choices? It's too easy to hit the wrong one through lack of precision, or because you just kept hitting "Defend" on everyone but the hunter and rogue and touched the screen one time too many - the "No" key appears in just the same spot.

(1.5) I question the purpose of the "No" button, btw. "Back" can accomplish the same thing, and I usually don't go through everyone before I figure I want to do something else with my first character.

2. Next, the "back" button is really low - halfway outside the screen on characters with any special ability. I understand space is limited, but either cutting down on text at the top, or making a smaller button that just says "back" at the right of the screen could keep it in view. [...attack...] [...defend...] [..morestuff.]


3. Recent spells are awesome. Could we get five?

4. This next one is a good bit more complicated, but would be really nice: Can we get, modeled on "Repeat", some sort of macro system where we either create a set of actions and save them for the future, or choose a default action for each character that always shows up at the top of their list in combat?

5. While we're in the complicated stuff, can we get Charge to work for multiple groups? I don't much care if everyone attacks the first enemy group (although changing targets after they're dead would be great, I understand it's outside the "rules" here), I just want to be able to use it for low level opponents. Also, advancing when the enemy is past 20' might be a good change to Charge.

No emergency to any of those, but they would make the game more convenient, I think. Congratulations on getting married, btw!


your suggestions are great, thank you very much.
I will try to improve these things, please give me some time.


I just want to add my voice to the suggestion of consistent battle command locations, which is somewhat similar to Archon's suggestions 1-2 above. Having the commands move around is very frustrating.

In particular, for casters the second option can be either "defend" or "cast a spell" depending on what they've done previously in the battle. Accidentally selecting "cast a spell" is extremely annoying, because the only way to get out of that screen is to scroll all the way down to the bottom (which is a long way for arch mages) where there's a cancel button. Maybe having attack/reload, defend, and cast a spell always occupy the first three spots and be replaced with empty space if they are not relevant to the current character? I think that would help.

Another annoying case is #1 from above, where the defend button is in the exact spot as the "No" option that forces you to start over. I was very often selecting detailed battle options for my melee characters, and then defending with my casters to conserve mana, and so I ran across this often.