A few thoughts & suggestions - ID: 643

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by DrStrange on 08/05/2012, 15:20:45

Hi - have really enjoyed playing Silversword and am very much looking forward to seeing the expansion when it comes out later this year.  I've set out below a list of things that I've come across in this game which seem to me to be bugs and also some suggestions for possibly improving gameplay (hope you don't think I'm being churlish in putting these forwards - as I say I've had a lot of fun with the game and my suggestions are quite minor in nature anyway).

So here goes (and with apologies for the randomness of this list - trying to do this on my phone isn't helping much):

1. Casters' weapons - as pointed out elsewhere it seems that stackable weapons aren't working as expected in that if a Mage has 3 deathstars equipped they can fire off one but in the next round of combat you need to re-equip the weapon to get them to use the remaining deathstars. This makes mages useful only in every other round of combat when you're running low on or trying to conserve SPs.

2. Using transport/buying drinks - I noticed that if a journey is stated as costing 500 gold pieces that the game will deduct 500 gold pieces from every member who has that much gold on them. Same for drinks. This isn't a huge issue as the workaround is to make sure all the group's gold is pooled before buying these items so the stated price is only charged once.  It might though be good to be clearer on how much these items are supposed to cost (ie is the price per member or for the whole group?) especially for early on in the game when gold is scarce.

3. Identify items - other than very early on in the game I can't recall needing to use my bard/rogue or a shop at all to identify items picked up during the course of the game. Again, not a huge issue but seems to slightly defeat the point of giving the rogue & bard the identify skill.

4. Increase in attributes - this didn't happen in the manner expected going by what I'd read in the compendium and this forum. So, for example, some of my mages started to increase their IQ stats over 25 even though some of their other non-base stats hadn't reached 18. (Also wish I'd clocked earlier on that accepting IQ increases for mages over 25, rather than rerolling for extra DX or LK, was a wasted roll but that's just down to me being stupid.)

5. Level up for archmages - requiring 4 million XPs per level up for archmages after level 13 seems a bit excessive to me (though of course after that level they wouldn't be looking to get any new spells). I get that a level 13 archmage is pretty powerful but in the time taken to increase an archmage by say 4 levels, most of the other non-magical classes will have increased by 80 levels!  

6. Compass spell - shouldn't this last indefinitely once cast (as in the original Bards Tale)? I guess the compass is way less critical given the auto-map facility but as the compass effect lasted for such a short time I found myself hardly using it at all (so as to avoid having to recast the spell every 5 minutes).

7. Quest log - there are a couple of places in the game where something needs to be done at a particular time to get to the next stage (trying to avoid spoilers here).  It'd be helpful if the log record which tells you what that step is also recorded the time at which that step needs to be performed (I'd have been lost without the help of this forum the first time this happened - thankfully, the second time, I was paying more attention).  

8.  Annotation of maps - I've mostly played the game on my phone and have merrily used the facility to make notes on the maps to help me along. I've recently installed the game on my iPad and have to say that my map of the inferno looks a total mess - I think this is because on the iPad when you change to the map view, you are looking at the entirety of the map but on the iphone you are more "zoomed" in but the text for notes is the same size for both the iPad and iPhone. So on the iPad it's more likely that your notes will end up overlapping with other notes than on the iPhone. Would it be possible to either zoom in on the iPad map screen or reduce the font size for notes? (I hope this makes some sense...)

9. Troll rings - by the time you start to find these they don't seem to be of much use as your mages, bard or healing potions can all do a quicker job than the rings can (so I just end up selling them for the gold). These should either come up earlier in the game or heal at a faster rate. (appreciate that these items were featured in the a Bard's Tale but they were fairly useless there too.)

10. Water elementals - the ones you encounter east of Annsharbour (after defeating the Big Bad in the Inferno) keep dropping Elemental Waters which can be annoying when you defeat a large group of them as you end up with one such item per water elemental defeated.

Hopefully I won't get into trouble for not splitting this post between bugs & feature requests - hard enough trying to do one topic as it is on this device!

Thanks again for all the hard work you've put into this game - trust me, it's really appreciated.