Suggested alternative to removing INT/CON caps - ID: 660

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Nipon621 on 20/05/2012, 22:29:45

Mario, I am aware that you intend to change the INT/CON caps in a future update, but I am concerned about the potential for spellcasters becoming even more imbalanced. As it stands, my survival in dungeons is virtually guaranteed as long as I have spell points. If further justification of my concern is required, please let me know.

As an alternative to simply removing the caps (which may or may not be what you are planning), please consider using intelligence above 24 (or whatever will scale properly) to 1. reduce the chance of enemies resisting the spell by X% per point above the cutoff, or 2. provide some sort of efficacy bonus (maybe 4% more effective per point above 24 or whatever cutoffs/values work the best in playtesting). This way, high level casters can use their spell points more effectively (even lower level spells should be more useful) without turning them into unstoppable armageddon machines - in addition, this will not penalize players who leveled their casters prior to the patch (if you do decide to just eliminate the caps, can these veteran players have a one time bonus to their hp/sp per previously leveled character? Or would that be impossible to calculate or be subject to abuse?). I feel it would be important though, to ensure that option 2 does not result in rediculous AC bonuses from defensive buffs.

To deal with the issue of palladins, here is one possible solution: they lack dexterity and could have the unique ability of improving their AC by 1 X points of intelligence above the cutoff (because they realized how to use their armor more effectively).

For constitution, there could be a % bonus to damage reduction (physical or magical - I am unsure which would be more balanced) for each point of CON above the cap (or of course, whatever cutoff works the best).

The intended purpose of these suggestions would be to present players with equally viable choices for character development instead of clear cut "more of stat X = godless killing machine".

In addition, do you think luck (either individual luck or total party luck) should improve drop rate?

Finally, when should we expect this to be implemented? I ask for the purpose of determining whether I am likely to finish the game before it goes live, and determining whether I should adjust my party development strategy.

Thank you very much for your time. I welcome any and all constructive feedback, because discussing ideas leads to a better game.

After thinking about it a bit more, I dont feel that the palladin's spells are too game breaking and they could probably benefit from removing the INT spell point cap, especially because they cannot change class.