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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by JoeDu on 27/03/2012, 01:45:36

Since upgrading to 2.09, I noticed the "hack" of waiting patiently while other opponents join the fray is no longer fruitful. While exploiting the xp might have been extreme, perhaps bring back a little bit, like newly joined characters offer perhaps 1/4 the xp. If you're killing them, they should count.

Also, while I agree that my ranger and thief perhaps shouldn't *always* score a critical hit, it's gone too far in the other direction. They almost never do now, rendering them almost useless in combat. Please up the percentage of success a bit. Without their abilities to kill at least a few times in combat, they almost serve no purpose. I might as well get rid of them and fill the ranks with summoned heroes so that more XL go to those who will actually benefit the party.

For the next release, personally I'd like to see more stores offering more variety of inventory that can sometimes vary. This implies more groups wandering and selling equipment to the shop, to resell back to you. And is it ever possible to buy a harmonic gem? LOL

I also agree with offering more places to camp and heal/regenerate. These do not have to be protected places, and perhaps run the risk of a "rude awakening."

There are a few inconsistencies or "things left undone" like locked buildings with no purpose, shatter walls almost never working except when required for the quest, etc. Areas in Annsharbour that remain inaccessible for seemingly no reason. Loose ends that could easily be mended with all your "spare time" LOL

And like to also offer my HUGE thank you's for a job well done!! Overall you nailed the Bards Tale experience and I find the game very satisfying!

Hello JoeDu,

thank you for your great feedback!
I will try to keep this in mind when doing the next updates.

As for the critical hit chance - the level of the target creature is substracted from the chance now, which shouldn't make -that- difference. But I will investigate this!


Well, perhaps it's because I'm engaging the groups of elementals east of Annsharbour and their levels are way beyond mine at this point??