Animated pictures - ID: 446

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by lobeless on 08/02/2012, 21:38:45

New here but love the game & Looooooved Bards tale.
One thing I noticed about the artwork is that the monsters is that there is no animation for them and they are a bit tame compared to the original art used in the Tale triliogy. here is a sample
<URL url="!docs/bt1-monster_manual/index.asp"><LINK_TEXT text="!d ... /index.asp">!docs/bt1-monster_manual/index.asp</LINK_TEXT></URL>

Now, don't get me wrong I'm not complaining! think the artist did a great job and being a part time artist myself I would hate for people to say bad things about work that is often difficult and tedious to do. But if there are future monsters/Characters I'd love to see some scarier themed creatures like the Doppleganger creature in Bards tale 1.
I guess I was thinking Kinda like what Devil's Whiskey had done. but, that may be a little crazy for a ipad/iphone game :D
<URL url=""></URL>

anyway, thats my two cents for now.
Thanks for a great game!

Hello lobeless,

well, I would have LOVED to have animations or Devil Whiskey graphics, really!
But that's a matter of money - I haven't found an artist who would do such work for an affordable price.

And because Silversword is a game for a very small fanbase, I am glad that I just made enough money to pay the actual artist...
Perhaps I have more luck in the future :D


We hope so too! Personally, I'd like to see imagery of the weapons/armor and other items when selecting them from the inventory, too. But in lieu, I think it's safe to say we'll take whatever you create! :)