Magic User xp past level 13 - ID: 391

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by thecasualoblivion on 25/01/2012, 16:22:01

My primary experience with the original Bard's Tale games was playing the original Bard's Tale on the Apple II, and in that version Sorcerer and Wizard past level 13 only needed 230k xp to level(it was reset to the same level as Magician and Conjurer after needing piles of xp to get to 13). I never really played the sequels much(and when I did it was with characters past level 50-100 from the original game), but it changed for the apple II there and it was irritating that my Archmages felt gimped in that class as they got stuck at low levels(gaining levels past 13 took a ridiculous amount of xp) when they used to be level 50-75 Wizards. In modern times and using emulators, I've discovered that the Dos and C64 versions of the original Bard's Tale didn't reset the xp to 230k like the Apple II version did, and its frustrating. When building a character with level 7 spells in everything, I felt the need to end in Conjurer or Magician so they weren't gimped in leveling, when I would rather end as a Wizard who had better equips. With this game, looking at the Archmage xp chart, I'm really tempted to do only make one of my mages change into the Archmage class(leveling past 13 is really brutal), and the other one(s) end up as a Magician/Conjurer to level fast past 13. Either that, or spend a ton of time grinding xp and level to 30+ in Magician/Conjurer before swapping to Wizard/Archmage to keep that high level.

This or just to reset the xp like the Apple II did. Its a little different in this game as stats don't stop growing at 18, but maybe there is a solution for that? Looking at the xp required to get all five caster classes to level 7 magic, non-casters would end up at level 30 or so 6,160,000xp while the casters would have leveled up 60 times.


The ruleset in Silversword is based on the Bard's Tale Construction set.
When designing the game, my goal was to let the end fight fall together with max caster level.

I know that 4 Mio. XP for every level past 13 is an insane amount, but it is very likely that this value will be changed once a new expansion (with perhaps new caster careers) will come out. Until that, it is the price for having the Arch Mage spells available ;-)


I think this is actually very reasonable since Mario has balanced the game well--you get max level Archmages right around the time you're ready to finish the game. Why make it possible to overpower a class that's already ridiculously powerful? Moreover, if you count the total number of level-ups, a max level Archmage will have more levels other classes, I believe. 13x4 = 52 levels. At that point, I don't think any of the other classes have even broken the 50 mark.

If the exp requirement changes for later expansions, so much the better...