A few suggestions - ID: 166

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Tbone on 26/11/2011, 17:57:36

I have a few suggestions that might make things a little more efficient.

1. Would it be possible to have a quick default set of combat commands? Ideally this would be a setting you could customize for each character in the party, but at a minimum it would be nice to have an option to default to have all characters attack if possible or defend otherwise. When I am blowing through overworld areas where the encounters are relatively easy but numerous, I usually can just attack with all fighting units and breeze through the combat without wasting any spell points. I will probably go through this same sequence of combat commands 40 times in ten minutes while exploring the overworld or early stages of a dungeon, and it gets annoying clicking through seven different individual options at the beginning of each combat. It would be fat to just hit a button once, similar to the repeat commands option in subsequent rounds.

2. Can you make the log and map editable/customizable? There seem to be tons of useful tidbits I come across in the game that do not get registered in the log or the map. If there were a way to add my own notes to the log or make notes about structures, secret doors, etc. on the map it would really help me remember the smaller details that I seem to forget from time to time.

3. I think someone else already asked for this but it would be nice to be able to go back and change my mind if I choose Fight but then realize it would be smarter to Advance.

4. I am not 100% sure of this but it seems to me that multiple attacks are lumped together. It seems like my fighting characters either hit 3 times or not at all - I never see them hit only once or twice. So my guess is that the game rolls once to decide whether i hit or not then rolls for damage on all three attacks. Wouldn't it make more sense to have each attack have an independent roll for whether or not it hits? I don't think it would make a huge difference in the game but I think it would smooth the results a little and make the expected attack outcomes more consistent.

Hello Tbone!

Thank you very much for your suggestions.
I have put the combat issues on my list of things to eventually improve.

As for the multiple attacks: Yes, it would make more sense to differentiate and separate them - as for now, it only shows that your character has become more proficient with his weapon. Technically speaking, it just increases your damage. A remnant of the Bard's Tale game Silversword is derived from :-)
