Feedback concerning the drop rates - ID: 24

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Polter Hjasenspaten on 30/08/2011, 10:36:37


I just want to leave a feedback about the drop rates of items.
There are many nice armor parts to find. None of my Fighters (warrior, paladin, bard) had to suffer from a bad AC.

The drop rate of melee weapons and bows is much worse. After 14 'ingame days', I found my first Bronzeruned Compositbow, and shortly after that my first battleaxe.
At that time I have already sold many, many armor parts cause I found so many. ;)

On the other hand, there was not one item my magician and my conjurer could use. And I think it would be nice, if there were more torches, wineskins and harmonic gems to find, since these goods are needed quite often (especially the gems, since there is no possibility to regenerate SPs in a dungeon).

So my suggestion: Less armor for fighters (more for magicians), more weapons and gems.
Just my opinion.  ;)

Hi Polter,

Thank you for your input. Your are right! That is mainly because the item database is not complete yet. We had a big weapon and armor revamp with 1.5, but the non-melee classes still suffer from poor equipment.
The drop rate of the miscellaneous items will be raised soon, promised.


Perfect  ;)

Back to drops rates.... i found some fighting claws for the first time in a play time of 11-12 hours.. i didnt even know there was more "monk" like weapons out there!! lol :P Anyways some clarification regarding monks attacks in the manual.. how good are their fists and do they improve naturally etc... because its difficult to know wether to use weapons (staves at least) rather than fists.. the claws seem to be better than fists and feet at the moment anyways.

"gold? what they you need gold for? more prayer beeds? NO!! beer fund more important"

Quote from Author: Titansiege
Anyways some clarification regarding monks attacks in the manual.. how good are their fists and do they improve naturally etc...

On the ToDo list, will find it's way into the manual (and probably into the ingame character screen as well) :-)


Cheers.. its great to know you guys listen and actually do stuff :P
