Safety warning before selling items - ID: 21

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Polter Hjasenspaten on 27/08/2011, 23:59:24

Hi folks,

in my last thread I forgot something I wanted to mention: when playing the game on the Iphone, it's quite tricky to hit the right buttons/lines. Sometimes you just hit the wrong one. Now, when you sell items in the shops and hit the wrong item line, it's sold immediately... :|

My suggestion: either you add a warning like "Are you sure you wanna sell XXX?" - Yes/No
then you have the possibility to keep the item. Or you just add an empty line between the items in the list, so there is more space for guys with fat fingers like me. ;)

Cheers, Jan

Hi Jan,

a selling confirmation will be in the next update, which I just sent to Apple for review.
It should be available in the store in a few days, so stay tuned!


Perfect  ;)