Slower scrolling and rest feature - ID: 19

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by Polter Hjasenspaten on 27/08/2011, 12:54:16

Hi Mates,

first of all: What a great game! I'm already addicted. :D

After the update the scrolling of the fight report is way too fast. That's a pity, 'cause this report is important. Maybe that could be fixed. ;)

Another feature could be the rest (it's been in Bard's Tale, as far as I can remember). When the party is in the wilderness and wants to regenerate HPs and SPs, they could have a feature for a rest. Time could move faster while resting. Then you wouldn't have to wait or to return to the healer.

Keep on rocking

As of version 1.5, the scroll speed can be adjusted in the settings (the Settings app, that is, not the in game settings), as can the sound volume. For some reason, the latter didn't work for me right away; the game took a while to notice that I raised the volume.

Good point about the resting, that would indeed be nice to have.

@Nimue: Ah thanks a lot, that worked. ;)

Resting wasn't actually in the Bard's Tale (except for simply holding still in daylight to regenerate spell points), but it was in Wizardry and the SSI games. It's a good feature to steal from those games :)