Unity engine - ID: 1307

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FORUM: Announcements

This topic was started by Wascalwywabbit on 14/08/2014, 23:23:03

Mario, when ur done with the unity engine cross platform development r u going to move the ipad version over to that as well? Also, are future updates largely tied into that to prevent doing the work for two engines? Thanks for ur time and game - about to get the expansion so would like to know first if possible.

PS does the parcel service iap include getting items FROM the bank, or just to? If not from then conjuring items from the bank, as suggested by another player, sounds awesome...


the unity engine project sleeps at the moment, so no news this time.

The parcel service will only carry the items TO the bank. But the conjuring spell is already implemented - you just have to find it...

kind regards