Completed - ID: 1600

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Goolag11 on 19/12/2019, 19:36:46

First off just let me say that I played this game off and on for probably 2 years. I spent a bunch of time grinding, then I put it down for a little while. When I picked it up again I did a little more grinding and thought, what the hell with all the awesome guides provided I think I'll just beat this thing. I have had more fun with this than I truly expected. Brought me back to the "old days" and was truly enjoyable. So Mario from the deepest part of my soul I want to thank you.

On a second topic. About the time of Bards Tale was a game called Alpha Centauri or Centauri Alliance, something like that, which was basically a Bard's Tale style game but set in space. If you ever get board with your current projects and need something to do, I would pay a lot for a similar game. I realize life being as busy as it is this is a tall order but just saying.

Thanks again

Couldn't have liked this game any more.


Thank you very much for your kind words!

I am glad that you enjoyed the game :-)

If I ever get bored, I will think about your proposal :mrgreen:

kind regards

Congratulations on your victory, Goolag11!

Icetear, maybe you could write a program to automatically convert old DOS or Apple // games to iOS apps.  :)