Question about Party Composition - ID: 1498

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Professor1028 on 14/11/2017, 04:37:05

Hi all,

My party members are between levels 13 and 15 and have the following stats:

Paladin (270 HP, 136 SP, -28 AC)
Monk (134 HP, -21 AC)
Hunter (208 HP, -18 AC)
Bard (205 HP, -29 AC)
Rogue (112 HP, -14 AC)
2 Wizards (237 HP, -15 AC) - Level 1 currently, all levels completed for Mage, Conjuror, and Sorceror

I've been farming between Mountain Ridge and Bandit Hideout. The crew is doing fine for now but my concern is about the hit point progression (or lack thereof) for the Monk and Rogue. While they avoid melee damage mostly, I feel like they are eventually going to be easily wiped out from powerful spells due to their low hit points.

Please share your thoughts. I would hate to get a lot further into this game just to find out that having a Monk and/or a Rogue was a bad idea due to their low HP.

Thanks in advance!!

Hi Professor. Your party is exactly the same as my current one. (The first time through, I had a warrior instead of a hunter.)

Though low in HP, your monk and rogue will prove invaluable. In addition to picking locks, a rogue is great at hiding in the shadows and firing arrows from the back ranks. Your monk will eventually become your best fighter, especially once (s)he has a pair of knuckledusters. :o

The rogue should be in the back ranks to avoid melee damage, but the monk should be in the thick of it and needs an AC as low as possible. Bump the dex every chance you get (when leveling up) and take every opportunity to get him or her better armor (Bandit's Brassard, Shield Ring, steel buckler with good runes, boots of speed, etc.) High dex also helps you attack earlier in each round.

You are right to worry about spells, and there are also traps and road hazards like lava you will encounter. But you are doing really well and should have enough HP going forward.

Thank you! They’re all in the high 20s now as far as level with pretty good equipment (I farmed Mountain Ridge for a while). I’m in the Inferno and able to handle the fights but the lava is a killer! :)

Just curious... what level characters do you think are needed to finish the game? Or maybe the better question is how many hit points should each character have as a minimum? Just trying to figure out how long aI need to keep grinding.

Disregard that last question... I just beat Maruziel. Lol

Quote from Author: Professor1028
Disregard that last question... I just beat Maruziel. Lol

Congratulations! One less evil maniac in the world. :D As you learned, you were up to the fight. I assume you used a certain Level 1 archmage spell a lot. IMO you can manage Inferno fairly easily with a level 1 archmage, a monk with knuckledusters, and enough harmonic gems to keep up with the healing from lava damage.

The lava was my favorite part of the game, as icetear will recall.  :)