Question about INT stat - ID: 1198

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Talos on 10/07/2013, 13:04:36


Just wanted to know if INT still isnt used for anything than SP (except for bards) so is there no reason for my spellcasters to go over 24(25)  :?:

Hi Talos,

right now, INT is only used for the things you mentioned, yes.

Kind regards

What about CON ? Used for anything than HP gain  :?:

Quote from Author: icetear
Hi Talos,

right now, INT is only used for the things you mentioned, yes.

Kind regards


I know this is not a new idea, but this answer is why I am confused about bards having IQ as a primary stat. IQ and LK totally make sense for a bard in the role-playing sense, but seeing this is a battle game, this slows down their advancement. :(

For the record, I love this game, and I really want to include a bard in my group.

High level bards are awesome enough. Make a human bard if you are worried about having to raise their INT to 25. The three bards in my current party configuration were the fighters I used to take out the stalker & prowlers set encounters. A large part of the game is balance and choices. You cannot fit all the character types in your party at once and each class has strengths and weaknesses. As I have said elsewhere, I recommend rolling up at least one of each character type, and two or three of some, like bards and arch Mages, and swapping characters in and out as you grow them all.

Quote from Author: wizardz
High level bards are awesome enough. Make a human bard if you are worried about having to raise their INT to 25. The three bards in my current party configuration were the fighters I used to take out the stalker & prowlers set encounters. A large part of the game is balance and choices. You cannot fit all the character types in your party at once and each class has strengths and weaknesses. As I have said elsewhere, I recommend rolling up at least one of each character type, and two or three of some, like bards and arch Mages, and swapping characters in and out as you grow them all.

Wizardz, thanks for your response! (I use your walkthrough all the time, btw.) You really have THREE bards in your group? Wow, that's impressive! Right now I have my warrior using a boomerang or lance for range and he is destroying things long before they get too close.

I'll take your advice and keep swapping my bard in to level, and I hope he stars pulling his weight! :)

(I still would like to see IQ and LK provide the bard with any benefit, or be swapped out with useful stats like CN or DX.)

I am still building my second DC in my current primary party--the configuration I use most frequently.
It will be:
DCM (was Monk) [well currently still a Monk]
DCR (was Rogue)
Arch Mage
Arch Mage
The bards (all over 60th level) all playing Spirit Chant regenerate 18 SP every six seconds. This let's my DC cast Dragon's Fury and my Arch Mages cast Sodar's Wrath on two consecutive combat rounds while grinding in the old boathouse, and still take less than half a minute to be fully charged for the next combat. Against the Creepers and Ancient Creepers I let them cast Wrath of Dragons and Armageddon, which does take a little longer for recovery. (They are usually fully recovered by the end of the "Travel to" walk to the old boathouse. For combat weapon fights I use all 7 with weapons (ranged for the Arch Mages) who occasionally throw heals instead as needed.

Admittedly not a conventional party, but effective for both grinding and exploring.

Quote from Author: wizardz
The bards (all over 60th level) all playing Spirit Chant regenerate 18 SP every six seconds...

I didn't realize that bard songs stacked. That is an interesting bit of information.

You can also use a different one on each bard simultaneously...heal, regen SP and attract monsters is a reasonable combo for high level parties...

Quote from Author: wizardz
You can also use a different one on each bard simultaneously...heal, regen SP and attract monsters is a reasonable combo for high level parties...

OK Wiz. You sold me on bards. Now I see how they can work. Thanks for the insights!

Quote from Author: wizardz

You can also use a different one on each bard simultaneously...heal, regen SP and attract monsters is a reasonable combo for high level parties...

Waitaminit, a song that increases encounter rate :?: Where do you learn it?

Watertop, in the expansion. You find it as your reward for a VERY difficult encounter. (Hint: pay attention to the rumors you keep hearing that silver helps against certain wolves.)

Wait wait wait... bard songs stack??

Pooooosh! Mind blown!

It was my understanding that only 1 bard song could play at a time. Our adventurers must be something special if they could legit listen to and benefit from 3 different songs playing simultaneously!

New one on me too -- I never even considered having more than one bard in the party!

Just goes to show what a rich experience this game is, and all the inventiveness and experimentation it allows.

just make sure the bpm match :lol: :mrgreen:

Confirmed! Bard songs do stack. Made a party of 7 bards, sent them to The Tunnels. Took severe damage. Played "Song of Life". After healing started, played "Tune of Illumination". The halls lit up, and the healing continued!

Had three more Bards join in on "Song of Life" and healing became more rapid, while illumination continued.

Only one song actually plays audio-wise, though. After this revelation, I was kind of looking for the next step of all the songs being part of one ultimate symphony... but not in the least disappointed, my mind being blown once today was joyous enough!

Also confirmed, quite by accident, is that emoji's can be used in party members' names.

Are those three of your bards in your avatar, chrlpolk, playing a gig at the tavern?

Quote from Author: Visstar

Are those three of your bards in your avatar, chrlpolk, playing a gig at the tavern?

Zanzer Tem and his bugbear minions / only real friends. (Anti-hero of the original D&D.) Kinda sad when it's put like that...

I love my Bard, but I can't imagine making my front line entirely of Bards - or even mostly of Bards. My Bard is by a substantial margin the lowest health character in my party, and also the least effective in combat. Having 3 Spirit Chants *IS* an appealing concept, but not at the cost of being nearly helpless against foes who resist magic and critical hits. The Shadow Stalker + Prowlers encounter was miserable enough with only one Bard, having to rely on three of them to ever so slowly chew through that massive pile of magic-immune enemy HP would probably make me rage-quit the game.

I agree with that, but remember wizardz would visit a camp before an encounter like that and swap characters around. Also, consider that you could (in theory) have them using a Silversword and two Singing Swords with silver (or better) runes, and singing three Spirit Chants so your mages can cast Restoration every round and never run out of spell points. It would take a while (days of game time, maybe an hour or two of real time) but you’d get there.

I’m definitely trying this on a future play through.