Impossible chests - ID: 659

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by docmattic on 16/05/2012, 12:23:09

Hi Mario (and everyone else).

There's something unbalanced about the new chest game, a problem which has been previously mentioned in the "Ridge Fault chest" topic. Both that chest (the one on the long spit of land in the river) as well as the chest at the end of the Dragon Tower (the one that holds the ultimate prize) seem impossible to open... from reading other posts here, it appears that repeatedly trying to "force open" may eventually work, but after trying fifty times without success it's certainly not much fun.

To be more specific, I have a level 28 rogue with 99% in open locks. Without trying anything else, there are ten locks that appear, all red (and NOT jammed). Even after using 8 charges each of a lock pick and a dietrich, nothing changes.... still ten locks, all red and unjammed. It's as if the relative difficulty of the chest is set so high that it is impossible to open.

If this isn't a flat-out bug, then I would love to hear any suggestions as to what to do. Repeatedly tapping "Force Open" and hoping that after a few hundred taps I will eventually win the "chest lottery" isn't a real solution, and it certainly reduces the "fun factor" of playing.

Hi docmattic,

thank you very much for your message.
I will provide a better approach to the chest issue with the next update, sorry for the inconvenience!
