Ridge fault chest - ID: 656

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Bank$ter on 12/05/2012, 23:11:09

How do I open it? My rogue has 99% open locks, but only the first two squares turn green, the others don't change from red. Any suggestions?

Have you tied using lock picks?

I've tried. That didn't do anything. I can get the 1st two to green, and rest sit at red.

by using a lockpick, you should be able to eliminate the switches to a minimum of 1.
Check if it stays red - perhaps it is jammed? (the "Unjam" Button is not greyed out, but can be pushed).

So I suggest:
- use lockpicks until there is only 1 switch left
- unjam the switch if it is jammed
- try to pick the lock


Eventually solved. It took 10 lockpicks before traps were eliminated at all. It took 20 total lockpicks to get it down to a single button.