Finally, success - ID: 591

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Noodle on 15/04/2012, 06:03:18

I'm sure I'm not the first and won't be the last to comment on how nostalgic this game has made me. I played Bard's Tale on my PC Jr back in the mid-80s, and have replayed it a few times since then for old times sake. Maybe seven or eight years ago there was another indie game in the same vein - Devil Whiskey, by Shifting Suns Studios - but they seem to have vanished.

Anyway - 30 hours and done. I probably could have wrapped it up sooner but I was having too much fun grinding my party in Castilia Artosa, or whatever it was called - got some 500k xp per trip, and after a certain point it only takes 200k to level (or, at least for some classes).

Random thoughts:

1) I used the default party and kept meaning to dump the rogue for a third caster, but never did. Glad I kept her in the end for the instakills and etc. Kept meaning to add a permanent seventh PC but Jack Crow and later Greater Demons and later Imperial Guards served their purposes nicely.
2) I was sorely tempted to dump the bard until I got the Spirit Chant song. Then he started carrying his weight - then he got the dragonbone bow and would critical on every hit - then he was the one guy who kept the party alive in the inferno's lava. (details on that later...)
3) I forgot to train level 7 magician spells for one of my casters, and kept getting annoyed that he didn't have Restoration. Didn't matter in the end, but every time he cast Blessing of Remigius instead I felt very stupid.
4) %#>@&@$!¥# lava in the inferno. Even if I cast Restoration, everyone in the party got hammered for another round of damage. What to do? I only had one harmonic gem, plus using it would count as an action and hurt me again anyway ... but time for the bard to shine. Song of Life and every 6 seconds another party member got 21 health back. I'd just idle for a minute or three, then run two more steps in the lava. Wash, rinse, repeat. For some reason the 'heartbeat' activity didn't count as an action. No objections here.
5) That beacon spell was worthless. Boo.
6) The final battle was remarkably trivial. Never took a point of damage! But then, characters around level 45 have pretty obscene ACs and Luck stats.

Loved it. Definitely got my money's worth. And to think, I only picked this up because the Bard's Tale iOS game by inXile was temporarily incompatible with third gen iPads and I figured that this would be a good timesink until I got that.

And as mentioned above, 30 hours of gameplay later...

Thanks for the great game.

Oh, one last thing - when I defeat the end boss and get the full screen "yay you" part, the text doesn't scroll, and if I ap the screen it dismisses the post-conquest image and puts me aback to the final treasure chest. I'm curious what it actually says! Is this a known bug?

The endgame is buggy and I agree, the text really needs to have a scroll-back feature.

Bizarre - I finally beat the game tonight, 78852008 XP...and the game is crashed on the end graphic. Everytime I close the app, it reopens and starts the music with the very cool celebratory picture, playing all the way through to Continue - which I click, it turns blue/gray, and...NOTHING. I want to go back and try out these new areas that are unlocked!

I'll sync it up with the latest update, and see if that helps.

Hi Noodle (and the others),

in a pre 2.0.9 version there was a bug with the end credits. I thought it would be solved by now.
Please check your game version - if you are already on 2.0.9, I would be very happy if you could send me your save game.
Crashing bugs are annoying :-(

Very sorry for this!

Finished the game just this morning !!! :)

Got my graphic crash also but I understand I need to update with the new version :)

Thanks again Mario for this great game and for this community of "old school rpgs" fans that you have gathered around your project ^^


ps: I've downloaded the original trilogy and must admit your interface is so much better !!!

Yes mario, this is definately one of my favorite games! Thank you so much for putting all the time you did into this masterpiece! :D

Thank you very much!

Trying to improve everything with the next update :-)
But give me some time,... off for honeymoon now (3 weeks Scotland).

Best Regards