Nether spiders - ID: 579

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by docmattic on 06/04/2012, 19:20:07

I would appreciate some help from Silversword veterans. I ran into a group of 15 Nether Spiders in a secret area in the Ridge Fault. They are big, bad, have hundreds of HPs, stun with every bite, and are entirely immune to magic. I have tried using Farther Foe and hitting them at a distance with ranged weapons, but even with level 28 characters and two Archmages with 600+ spell points each you burn through spell points too fast. Any ideas?

Personally I Killed them only with my close-combat characters. I have one warrior, one monk one pal with stoneblade , one hunter (with good crit). My War and monk do High damage

They aren't immune to hesitate....

I need to find this area

Angel's harp from your bard works, but will need several applications to kill them. Hesitation & killing them off 1 by 1 with your close range melee fighters is probably just as quick. Or use combination, especially as the bard can't seem to strike any decent damage using the silversword or bardsword (I haven't tried him with anything else) against the nether spiders. Well that's what I found worked.

Well, the Angel's Harp does'nt work, no hit :(

Quote from Author: Parsival
Well, the Angel's Harp does'nt work, no hit :(

Nether Spiders are very, very tough when you first encounter them. If they are causing problems, your only real option is to use Farther Foe to push them away, heal wounded characters, and re-enter melee when they advance. Anything you can do to help your melee characters hit harder (Giant Strength) or avoid hits (Invisibility) would be wise.

Postscript: Nether spiders fall five or ten at a time when my monk tears into them with the silversword! :D

I was playing with six characters to earn XP faster, but after the grave mound, I created a warrior specifically to wield the silversword. (Even at level 20, though, her saving throw was too poor to survive inferno, and I left her behind, adding her later and turning her into a dragon caller.) To my surprise, the silversword was usable by my monk, and it was amazing to watch her deal 5-10 critical hits each round.

Quote from Author: Visstar

To my surprise, the silversword was usable by my monk, and it was amazing to watch her deal 5-10 critical hits each round.

Really? I never would have thought to try that! Usually, RPG's nerf the monks when it comes to using weapons! Now I'll have to do a replay and give the Monk a shot. Low HP and AC killed it for me on initial attempts, although I do like the addition of linked attacks and was disappointed when I played the BT remakes and the monk didn't have those. Then I was like, "Wait, that's Silversword." :P

I believe the Silversword is special (*) in that anyone can use it. I haven't tried everyone, though.

  • Special enough to have a whole game named after it....

Quote from Author: Visstar

I believe the Silversword is special (*) in that anyone can use it. I haven't tried everyone, though.

  • Special enough to have a whole game named after it....

The original Final Fantasy on NES had the Masamune Sword that all classes could use, but if you gave it to the Master (monk archetype), he would go from like 18 hits per attack to 3, and while the damage with the sword was quite significant, it didn't surpass the multitude of the unarmed attacks. Weapons were useful to the Master until about level 8. That's more what I was talking about.

Does the monk keep the same number of attacks, and does the kill chain work the same with weapons? Is the high level Monk's damage/kill chain with Silversword really as good as unarmed?

If the monsters can be critically hit, a monk with the Silversword will kill and have a chance at a chain attack. The odds depend on the level of the monk and the difficulty level of the dungeon. My monk killed 4-5 Aerial Soldiers in the Plane of Air per round on average, and could do more. (Nether Spiders are easier.) She used to kill 20 Demon Lords in a go before icetear changed the chain attack to make monks less godlike. I still have mixed feelings about that. :lol:

If the monster cannot be critically hit, you're probably better off using knuckledusters rather than the Silversword. I believe they do more damage, though the Silversword's protective bonuses have value as well, especially considering the monk's low hit points.

Well now I've got to do another playthrough using a monk. I mean, I could just set up a monk in the back row and level quick with the postgame save but... nah, I'll just do another playthrough with a monk! 8-)

Quote from Author: chrlpolk

Well now I've got to do another playthrough using a monk. I mean, I could just set up a monk in the back row and level quick with the postgame save but... nah, I'll just do another playthrough with a monk! 8-)

That's the spirit!  :)

The worst part about the monk, as I think I mentioned, is the lack of armor. The better stuff for monks is pretty rare, even at higher levels. Since they receive very few hit points per level, this can be a problem. It will be a while before you even find a buckler (small shield) and much, much longer till you find a decent upgrade.

As far as I know, there is only one mithril rune in the entire game, and it was applied to a Buckler of Forgus I eventually found.