Newb question... - ID: 507

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Tachi on 02/03/2012, 18:50:15

Hi all

Simple question that I am sure I will feel a right muppet for not asking but here we go anyways.
Just bought the game and been playing for a few hours and I am pretty much dead in the water now..
I am level 2, have no healing items and or wine so cannot even use the healing song so I am getting destroyed in combat.
Some might say I need to level up a bit but how can I when a level takes 20+ battles and I have no means of saving during, or after, combat.
Is there an Inn or somewhere I can but healing items or just the greedy overpriced people in the Temple?

Thanks in advance all =o)

There is a third shop (in addition to the armory and weapons shops that you've probably already found) just outside the castle gate. You can buy healing balms there, after you complete a little extermination project. :lol:

Aaaaang on a moment.
There's an Armoury?
I've found:
Camp Site
Weapon Shop
Training Arena
A tented area outside with a Knight I can continually defeat...
What am I missing lol

[Edit] Found a shop which is being attacked by rats now but it is closed til morning.
If this the armoury or the herbalist? Haven't found either yet!

Yes, there is an armory (inside the castle walls). Suggest you review your automap, and do some more exploring. The rat infested shop is the herbalist. You can always advance to morning by popping in and out of the campfire. Oh, and while you're there, grab a conjurer or two, for their healing spells.

Thanks again mate.
Found it all last night and doing much better now ta.
Now....if only I can figure out how to open that locked door in the tower  :(

When you find out, let us know... ;)

The shop with the rat problem is the armory, inside the castle. Herbalist is only open at night.

I agree: use your map and explore EVERYWHERE!