Lost temple stuck - ID: 448

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by Crazyhips on 10/02/2012, 04:23:20

I went through a false wall and am stuck in an area near the opening stairs with no way out. Help!

Hello Crazyhips,

did you enter that place from the west, i.e. did you explore the map before? Or did this just happen shortly after entering the map?
In the first case, you should find another passable wall. In the second case, this is a bug, and I need a precise description of the area you are in.


If we're talking about finding Brother Rectus, I'm having the same problem. I entered from the west and when I approach the south wall, i see footsteps leading to it but it "looks solid". I've tried trap zap and shatter walls to no effect. Am I missing something? An object or key, perhaps?
