Changing class question - ID: 298
FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern
This topic was started by cparker94 on 03/01/2012, 04:47:04
I have a couple of spell casters that are at spell level 5. I'm thinking of changing class but wAs wondering that if I did this, could I change back in the future so I can pick up spell levels 6 and 7? Please let me know. Thanks!
Craig from Texas
I would highly recommend that you NOT change classes until each spell caster has reached level 13 and learned all their spells of study. Only then would I switch classes... Everyone who has done so early can attest that this was a mistake on their end and in some circumstances, have gone as far as to recreate their casters... Just don't do it.
Thank you Veerwing! I was tempted to do this because of the monsters behind both doors of the second level of the grave. They are killing me!!!
Craig from Texas