Castilla Artonsa - ID: 213

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FORUM: Gossip - The rusty dagger tavern

This topic was started by calmrider on 19/12/2011, 21:43:30

Hi - does anyone have a clue to the magic mouth riddle to release the Spirit Shard in the lowest level of Castilla Artonsa? Totally stuck...

I'm struggling here as well.

I would have expected a number based upon the chess points, but nothing works based upon the usual systems.

Could be related to cards too. I'm up the creek without a paddle here as I've never play cards......

Edit - Success. It is card related and not chess. ;-)

I'll keep thinking.

Thanks, but I'm still having no joy...If it's card related then i'm even more stuck, don't know how pawns and knights are related to cards.

Imagine you're playing 21 and knights are jacks. :-)

Thanks - I'm now busy clearing the forest of River Trolls...

I'm stuck here as well. I understand that a king Queen and knight are all worth the same value in black jack.... but even with that clue, still no success.

Do you write a numeric answer or alpha answer? numerous combinations with no luck.


Some help please?

never mind. got it!

Numeric ... Pawns are low???

numeric, confirmed.

count well, read well the sentance


Not much of a gambler... More clues? Cheers

Well if you can't find out I will give you a completly differnt clue: Ask Douglas Adams.

Hope this helps... but not sure.  :)

-Theodor Keppler

Cheers, but that didn't help...

I'm lost

Seriously the answer is in fact THE ANSWER? Guess i should play less KotOR and more silversword and get my butt out of annsharbour :)


At least found someone who got the joke... I have to say it really was way to subtile probably.  :)

Theodor Keppler *leaving now to have a lot of drinks on his lidle cousins 30th birthday*

Naw, it was a great clue, Theodor. It was the first thought that came to mind when I solved the riddle. Hmmmm...I have a feeling that anyone who read those books has been brainwashed to think that way.

Can you guys help me get through the castilla dungeons? I am stuck. I think that I have mapped all of the first level that I can, because I keep getting transported to the second level. I think I have mapped all of the second level, but all I can find is the stairs to go back up to the first level, then whichever hall I take just jumps me back to the second level and around in circles. It is getting pretty frustrating. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Quote from Author: billm
Can you guys help me get through the castilla dungeons? I am stuck. I think that I have mapped all of the first level that I can, because I keep getting transported to the second level. I think I have mapped all of the second level, but all I can find is the stairs to go back up to the first level, then whichever hall I take just jumps me back to the second level and around in circles. It is getting pretty frustrating. Thanks for any help you can offer.

There is a path you can take through the first level that doesn't teleport you to the second. You need to map this path. It helps to mark squares that teleport you to the 2nd level on the map.

pawns = 2
the rest are face cards = 10

definitely busted on that hand...

ooppzzz, that got posted in the wrong place...

A bit late to the party, but I found the answer to be a quaint nod to Douglas Adams. ;)