Auto Roller IAP (closed) - ID: 1052

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by PotCheese on 24/03/2013, 19:38:00

Hi all, I'm new to the forums. I did a little searching but as you can see from my suggestion below I'm lazy :) So, sorry if this has already been suggested.

The idea here is that to maximize your characters stats, you waste a lot of time in the game re-rolling stats at character creation time and training at level up time. This isn't fun, and games are supposed to be fun! :) Since the players who want the most stats are going to wait and wait and wait anyway, I don't see that you would be taking anything away from the game with this idea. So, to the actual suggestion with a couple of options.

Create an IAP purchase( say for $4.99 ) that would allow two things:
1. At character creation time, a "minimum stat total" option and would re-roll until that total is hit.
2. At character training time, a "minimum hp increase", "minimum sp increase", "choose stat to increase".

A couple options since I'm sure this is going to start a holy war:
1. By using this remove the person from the GameCenter leader boards.
2. Don't actually re-roll as fast as possible, roll twice per second, so the time element is still there.


Hi all,

I think what PotCheese is suggesting is a good idea and agree that only the lazy amongst us (me being one too) would use this. Would be a good way of drumming up some additional revenue to support future updates etc.,



I agree rerolling is not fun(at least for me). I'd say make it as a optional setting and not have to pay $5 to turn it on.

Any chance this feature will get implemented or some version of it? I've basically stopped playing because I'm simply bored of rolling for stats...


Hello Frank,

I am sorry that this feature is still not implemented.
My approach would be:

- remove the roll for stats completely
- assign base stat values for each race
- give the player a fixed amount of point that he can distribute among the stats
- let the player choose which stat to raise upon reaching a new level
- this will include adding HP and SP to your character

I am not quite sure if I should replace the current rolling system OR add this as an option in some way.
Anyway, this is on my ToDo list :-)

Kind regards

Mario, I like the current system just fine. Your proposed system would be okay as an option, but it's moving away from the original Bard's Tale, isn't it?

Quote from Author: wizardz
Mario, I like the current system just fine. Your proposed system would be okay as an option, but it's moving away from the original Bard's Tale, isn't it?

Yes, that's the problem.
I think I will try to implement it as an option.

Kind regards

Just knowing something is coming at some point is good enough for me! Thanks Mario!!!

I love the game, it's been so great to play, this really has been the only hold back for me. Great job!

How about Ultima III clone next? :) :) :) :)


As I remember, the Ultima series scaled the encounters to the level of the party. I have always thought this was a great feature...

Thank you Mario! I just started a new game in Modern mode!
