Walking Creaks - ID: 757

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FORUM: Feature Requests

This topic was started by wizardz on 24/10/2012, 20:18:03

Would it be possible to reclassify Walking Creaks as plants for Game Center goal reasons?

Done (next update).

Thanks for pointing me into this.


Well, I hate to say this, but the routine seems ok (at least in Apple's Sandbox).
Can you once again provide me a recent save game please, so that I can check it out with your values?

Thank you very much
Kind regards

I have killed more that 20 Walking Creaks in version 2.1.6, and my percentage of plant kills has not changed.

I will recheck the game center routine, sorry :-(


I can reproduce this.
The score is updated, but Achievements are not. I am not sure if this is a temporary problem with the game center, I will keep an eye on this and update this post if I have any news.



Please logoff from your game center account, restart your device, login to GC, and see if the percentages change after killing some Plants. That worked for me.


Logged out of GC, restarted, logged into GC, killed 20 Walking Creaks, no increase in Napalm percent. However, then I went to the grove and killed thirty assorted plants and the GC Napalm per cent still did not change.

Is it possible that the Game Center number is from a previous group and I have not reached 490 plant kills with this group? This is my fourth restart of Silversword.

However, since today, someone went from less than 400 million to over 800 million today and someone else (you?) went from nothing to almost 2 billion today, there is little point to paying much attention to Game Center scores for Silversword for me.

Hi wizardz,

The game center is updated with your current game, that is true.
I should point this out clearly in the manual. Your different games do not sum up.

As for the game center scores - with enough energy, it can be possible to manipulate your score.
You know, downloading and re-inserting your saved game is possible.
At first, this was necessary to provide a bridge from the lite version to the full version. But now it is a valuable resource for reproducing game bugs. And at the moment, the benefit gained from resolving bugs outweighs the danger of people manipulating the scores. This may be seen different by some players, but an enjoyable game is my primary goal.
I don't think it's possible to delete scores from the game center, so implementing a safer routine for the future is somewhat pointless.
I am aware of this, and I am not happy with it, believe me.

Kind regards

Hey, Mario--

Thanks for your reply. I play your game because I enjoy it (a lot), not because it is tracked in Game Center.

I agree that bug fixing way outweighs people glorifying themselves by manipulating their scores instead of earning their scores. Sort of like the woman who lowered her time in the NY Marathon by taking the subway for part of it, she did have a fast time, but it was not for running. Those people have a high score, but not for playing your great game.

Warm regards,